The crazy adventures continue for... PPPPPIGGGGGSSS IN SPAAAACE! The Swinetrek crew is in deep trouble lost and bombarded by deadly snack-o-waves!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
B5 S4 Ep2: Whatever Happened To Mr. Garibaldi?
Is the hair standing on your back? Those are two truly stunning performers at the top of their game. They know how to deliver dialogue and even when they are saying so little they say so much. WOW! It’s a truly symbolic moment and a lovely one at that when the light shines into the cell upon G’Kar’s face as he lays on the floor following his negotiation with Londo to free his enslaved people. There is such power throughout that scene.
This image continues projecting from Sheridan's mind. It's a headscratcher.
Elsewhere, on Z’Ha’Dum, we discover Lorien is THEEE First One! So, was he captured and held imprisoned there by The Shadows all this time? Do they know he is still there? He clearly saved Sheridan. “Did you know you have a Vorlon inside of you? Well, a piece of one.” Of course we always had a sense this was the case. This wasn’t earth-shattering news, but it does confirm our suspicions.
The Vorlons are an intriguing race. They almost seem parasitic in nature. They seemingly need humans to fuel their existence, yet it would seem humans are essentially being used, especially based upon the actions of New Kosh toward Lyta. Anyway, Lorien indicates both Sheridan and Kosh are alike in their fear of letting go of life. Yeah, I could see where that might be a hard thing to do. As someone who enjoys air I can relate to that. He tells Sheridan he is caught in between, “not embracing life, your fleeing death,” unable to move forward.
Could this be the reference to the dream of Garibaldi, “the man in between is searching for you.” Could it be a reference to Kosh or to Lorien? Hmmm. Lorien urges Sheridan that he must let go and surrender to death. Okay. Lorien- could you be any more inspirational? I’d be like, ‘why would I want to listen to you since you haven’t exactly gotten yourself out of this dungeon in what seems like years.’ He asks Sheridan if he has anything worth living for… oh, just a little woman named Delenn.
There are many interesting changes and new currents at play already within Season Four.
There are many interesting changes and new currents at play already within Season Four.
Whatever Happened To Mr. Garibaldi?: B+
[and since this is partly G'Kar's search, you can actually here these very words spoken from his mouth as only he can say it.]
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Muppet Show: Pigs In Space
Seriously, does science fiction get any funnier than, well... pigs in space. When I was young we prayed The Muppet Show would have the latest serial installment of Pigs In Space. The segment was random so it didn't appear in every episode. We loved the adventures of Link [as in sausage link], Dr. Strangepork and Miss Piggy. If someone told me there would be a sci-fi serial based upon pigs in space I would have told them 'yeah right, when pigs fly.'
Okay perhaps there is funnier, but this stuff is simply timeless and you know those special effects are really something special. Joking. Not at all. It's just a good old-fashioned goof.
Okay perhaps there is funnier, but this stuff is simply timeless and you know those special effects are really something special. Joking. Not at all. It's just a good old-fashioned goof.
The Muppet Show S3: Gonzo, Multiplication, A Piano & The Value Of The Autographed Card
The more I watch some of the older shows with my kids the more I realize just how soulless some of the tripe today really is. In fact, some of the stuff today is garbage in comparison. Funny thing is kids really get and like these old shows. Sit them down to The Brady Bunch, Little House On The Prairie or The Muppet Show and you'll see them absolutely bust a gut or fall in love just like you did.
I'll occassionally throw up some of the best moments from The Muppet Show when something hits me. It's all from the mind of the genius that is Jim Henson. Enjoy them and have a laugh.
Here's a great moment with the fabulous Gonzo.
I like the following clips after his demise has been greatly exaggerated. He's a muppet after my own heart. He understands the value of the autograph card. Fantastic!
Again, still milking those auto cards for all their worth.
I'll occassionally throw up some of the best moments from The Muppet Show when something hits me. It's all from the mind of the genius that is Jim Henson. Enjoy them and have a laugh.
Here's a great moment with the fabulous Gonzo.
I like the following clips after his demise has been greatly exaggerated. He's a muppet after my own heart. He understands the value of the autograph card. Fantastic!
Again, still milking those auto cards for all their worth.
Knight Rider: Hot Car & Hot Babes [Not Much Else Under The Hood]

The new and improved, state-of-the-art Knight Rider is all hot cool done with smoke and mirrors. The centerpiece is a slick black Ford Mustang GT and it is suuwwweeet! For the kiddies we get the ocassional Transformers-styled car mutations which also keep things interesting for car and truck afficionados. All in all, this ain't your daddy's Michael Hasselhoff folks, and you'll probably miss that about it. In fact, keep the kids away because the sexual innuendo does fly. In fact, the two leads were almost naked in the car within the first fifteen minutes. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Still, the acting is universally atrocious. There isn't a likeable character amidst the bunch of these shallow and vacuous [albeit sexy] meat puppets. You won't want your kids spending time with them.

What I loved about it was, for a computer that's self-aware, this entertainment vehicle isn't taking itself seriously whatsoever. So many shows today [Lost, Fringe] are so SERIOUS. Don't get me wrong, thank God they exist. I couldn't live without them. It's just that this is a nice break from the rest of the pack. It's a throwback to cheesy-ass good fun, some very hot cheesy ass mind you. The engine rev of that Mustang and the road sequences just rock! The simplicity of it provides more excitement here than Fringe has mustered in three episodes. The swooshing sound effect of K.I.T.T.'s scanning, front, red light is clearly reminiscent of those classic cylons [from Battlestar Galactica] and there's a lot of old-fashioned thrills underneath this car's hood [not much else]. I like it. The plot is essentially rediculous, but there are enough questions planted about Michael Knight's past to keep most brain-dead couch potatoes interested. They even leave him shot and left for dead at the end of this one. What a cliffhanger! Not really. The whole thing is just as goofy as the original, but it's dressed up real glossy-like in a fine, sexy sheen. It dazzles, but I must admit it's unlikely to keep my attention for very long. I wanted to like it more than I did and to be honest it was pretty poor on many fronts. I could see this vehicle getting rusty fast.
Knight Rider [1982-1986; 4 Seasons; Glen A. Larson]: Back when life was simple as a black Pontiac Trans AM.

This is just wildly mindless fun and there isn't anything intellectual about it. Quite frankly it's all very stupid, but what's wrong with that once in awhile? Still, bad writing, bad acting, good effects, smokin' hotties getting naked and hell, that freakin' car! Fuhgeddabout it! You know you big boys are comin' back. The question is: will there be enough of you for the long haul? I suspect the fuel necessary to keep this one flying may get too expensive.
Premiere: B-
Update: September 2009: By January 2009, the new and improved Knight Rider was axed from the airwaves. The problem was it was a little too slick and glossy for its own good. There was not much under that shiny hood. My assessment wasn't that far off. It lasted longer than some series, but not long enough. Poor acting, poor scripting overwhelmed the solid visual effects and Knight Rider finally lost fuel sputtering to a halt as viewers stopped tuning in.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
B5 S4 Ep1: The Hour Of The Wolf
It's funny. I went back to Season One to find that scene I remembered featuring Garibaldi busting a gut over his cartoon hero, Daffy Duck. At first I scanned Episode Two, then I went back to Episode One and thank God I did. I thought it would be ashame if I kept searching and all along it was Episode 1. Well, it was indeed. Having scanned those two episodes as briefly as I did, I did catch a glimpse of what many fans have alluded to along the way. Those earlier episodes will have greater meaning when you go back to watch them again. I noticed much in the way of material that obviously meant very little to me at the time of my introduction to the series that were far more significant than I knew. Case in point, we see Kosh in a kind of shower scene and he appears to be a being of light. I didn't pay it much mind then, but it was much more significant seeing it now with all that I know at this point. Further, Londo even makes mention of a date with destiny scheduled to occur in 20 years. It would appear he was having premonitions even then. These are just a few examples. There is much more that escapes my memory but there is much there that is notable indeed. I digress, but here is our hero, Security Cheif Garibaldi, laughing at his hero's antics way back, way back, way back in Episode One, the very episode that launched the Babylon 5 series.
G'Kar the poet speaking of Ivanova after mentioning the loss of Mr. Garibaldi: "In a way I think we have also lost Ivanova. It is as though her heart has been pierced and her spirit has poured out through the wound. She blames herself. It is foolish. It is destructive. It is... human."
Following the inconclusive loss of Sheridan, Ivanova walks the station completely without spirit. She is as lost and alone as she's ever been. She is a rudderless ship without her captain and friend. While she has always been very much a strong personality, she also is equally prone to fits of hot emotion and heartache. She is less a leader and more an executioner and without Sheridan she has now been asked to take the fore and helm this thing called Babylon 5.
Londo has relocated to Centauri Prime to assist Emperor Cartagia. On the station, Delenn is a lady in waiting. She too is lost without Sheridan. There has been much impacting the emotional states of the female core upon the station within this epic tale as a result of consequences from the decisions made by Sheridan in Season Three, Episode 22, Z’Ha’Dum.
Meanwhile, The Shadows have paused and there is a pause in the war. There is a dark, somber, funereal tone that permeates every fiber of this entry.
The opening credits have been revamped for the new season and are solid with an ensemble effort by the various cast members in narration complemented with music dark in tone. Would we have it any other way?
The season kicks off with a noteworthy, all-star guest cast. Ed Wasser returns as the sinister Morden. Wayne Alexander returns as new character Lorien and Wortham Krimmer serves up a terrific turn as the extreme, flamboyant Emperor Cartagia.
On Babylon 5, Ivanova is pensive and alone in her quarters dealing with the loss of her commanding partner. She is doing her best to work through the losses as only she can.
On Babylon 5, Vir informs Ivanova he has received information from sources close to Londo that Sheridan was seen diving into a great, dark chasm, two miles deep. That’s convenient, I’d love to know how they got that information from a planet crawling with space bugs. Vir believes him to be gone. She is tearful yet again. By the way, Vir is half the man he once was. Literally, I mean it. He must have shed 50 pounds. Stephen Furst looks terrific and he isn’t nearly as rotund as he was in the previous three seasons.
Back on Centauri Prime, a crispy critter named Morden is awaiting Londo in his quarters.
Londo: “Mr. Morden?”
Morden: “In the flesh, what’s left of it. I’m just a shadow of my former self."
Emperor Cartagia gives new meaning to the Talking Heads.
Morden informs Londo The Shadows will be fanning out from Z’Ha’Dum as he chafes upon his flaking skin [resulting from severe burns exacted upon him by Sheridan in the Season Three finale]. The bad news, one of the allotted locations for their implantation is none other than Centauri Prime. Emperor Cartagia has approved and blessed their arrival. Londo tells him the emperor is mad [so much so the emperor enjoys speaking to several severed heads in the evening of those he decapitated that were disloyal to him]. Apparently fourteen Centauri opposed the decision concerning The Shadows arrival and they have not been heard from since. Morden looks to Mollari as his liaison to the Royal Court and as a continued pawn of The Shadows. Londo refuses to do his bidding. Morden assures him he will. Will he? That is the question to be determined.
Londo contacts Vir to ask for his assistance back on Centauri Prime.
Girl Power! Babylon 5's answer to the Spice Girls.
Lennier: “Initiating, getting-the-hell-out-of-here maneuver.” [Lennier gets the great one-liners.]
Cut to the bowels of Z’Ha’Dum and we see a small figure stumbling shrouded by a blanket. We cannot quite make the figure out, but we know it’s our fearless hero Sheridan.
Season Four cast includes:
Bruce Boxleitner [Captain John Sheridan]
Claudia Christian [Commander Susan Ivanova]
Jerry Doyle [Security Chief Michael Garibaldi]
Mira Furlan [Delenn]
Richard Biggs [Dr. Stephen Franklin]
Bill Mumy [Lennier]
Jason Carter [Marcus Cole]
Stephen Furst [Vir Cotto]
Jeff Conaway [Zack Allan]
Patricia Tallman [Lyta Alexander]
Andreas Katsulas [G’Kar]
Peter Jurasik [Londo Mollari]
The Hour Of The Wolf: B
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