As you know Babylon 5 Season Five was definitely not ranking up there at the top of my list. In fact, though my grading probably doesn't reflect it in retrospect with comparison to Season One, it was my least favorite of the five seasons. This, of course, puts the much maligned Season One above it slotting it into the four hole for me. I suspect, again in hindsight, I would appreciate Season One now even more than I did when I first viewed it as some here have suggested. Season Five cemented, for me, that the Psi Corps angle was my least favorite portion of the series. I simply could not appreciate that thread when it stood out there entirely on its own most notably in Season Five. Woven throughout the series in dribs and drabs as connected to The Shadow War story it was perfectly measured. The mystery of Lyta and the connection to the Vorlons was a delicious tease. When Byron [ugh!] was added to the mix and it became Psi Corps-heavy it lacked a certain something for me, call it the magic, call it Babylon 5-lite. Again, that's me and that's my entirely subjective take. Season Two, Three and Four were where it was at for me. Season Five ended with some strength following a fairly large dull period. However there were some strong moments to be sure. How would you rank the five seasons?
The DVD Box Special Features includes all-new, digital, widescreen transfers. Seriously, I never could see it in the picture quality of this series. Dated or not, it's a pretty poor transfer. It definitely needs to be revisited by someone and given some tender, love and care. I'd even love to see a Star Trek-styled Remaster with some touched up effects. There's an idea. I doubt Blu-Ray will ever happen for Babylon 5. It would be a pleasant surprise if it ever did. There's the Soundtrack Remastered in Dolby Digital 5.1 as well. The documentaries worth a look include Digital Tomorrow and Beyond Babylon 5. I actually went to check these out for you, but realized once again that I LOST MY FREAKIN' DISC 5! Dang! I am really not happy with myself, but I really have to get over it. Anyhow, it wraps up with a few deleted scenes and some gag reels.
Farewell Babylon 5. You'll be gone, but not forgotten. Besides, maybe I'll hook up with Babylon 4 and time jump back to the beginning somewhere down the road.
Coming Soon: Babylon 5 Big 10 Episodes. Get your lists ready comrades!