Back at the Unit, Sarah arrives to tell her colleagues there is "something very odd" going on over at Thinktank.
Over at the institute the evildoers work on the K-1 Robot. Reactivated the woman, her name Miss Winters, tells the Robot of its next mission.
The Doctor, Brigadier and Sarah pay a visit to Professor Kettlewell. Tom Baker as the Doctor is masterful and always comes across as a playful genius. He's such a smart ass fellow as he jousts with Professor Kettlewell until he tells him he wants to know more about the Robot. Kettlewell tells them it was his last project before leaving the institute. He deactivated the Robot and it was difficult to do as he so loved the Robot like a son. There's a bit of mad genius for you. He tells our fearless heroes that if K-1 is forced to go against its Prime Directive the institute will destroy its mind and it will go mad. 'Ruh-Roh'!*
Later, the K-1 Robot destroys a prominent British MP [Member of Parliament] when K-1 is informed the man is "an enemy of humanity." The K-1 Robot's nifty design is simple, but stunning in appearance and effective when it implements its weaponry and the fantastic and awesome power of the stolen top secret disintegrator ray. One thing though, wouldn't the disintegrator ray's power be best applied outside the laborious efforts of the K-1 Robot.? Fine, K-1 has stolen the ray gun. Now give it to someone who can do something more substantive with it. Seriously, the Robot doesn't exactly have a deft touch with the gun.

More TOP secrets are stolen from the dead MP's residence. The man was a cabinet minister in the area of security. So much for top secret security then.
Sarah Jane Smith is off to learn a bit more about the Scientific Reform Society [SRS] of which Thinktank's Miss Winters and Jellicoe are members. The Doctor and Brigadier will pay a visit to the institute. Meanwhile, Professor Kettlewell is paid a little visit by his very creation. K1 is almost sympathetic as he tells the professor, "help me." There is a sense of internal turmoil as the orders K-1 is given conflict with the Prime Directive as programmed by his creator. The man inside the suit generates some sympathy.

Sarah Jane visits the
SRS. She discovers the organization is clearly of the lunatic fringe variety. As only Elisabeth Sladen could deliver, she tells the group she is covering a number of "
fringe organizations" as a journalist. They ask for some good press and she zings them good. She tells them she will find a spot for them somewhere between the "
Flying Saucer People" and the "
Flat Earthers." She is a classic delivering the humor! The Doctor and the Brigadier visit the institute, but K-1 is nowhere to be found. Miss Winters is interrupted with a visit by Dr. Sullivan of the Ministry. Harry Sullivan is undercover. The Doctor and the Brigadier think. Brilliant stuff in this sequence!
The Professor calls the Doctor for help. He informs the Doctor he has absconded with K-1, but is concerned he will not be able to contain it for long. The institute people arrive at Kettlewell's home. The Doctor has left a note back at the Unit for Sarah in the event he runs into trouble and he will. He's Tom Baker as the Doctor!
At Kettlewell's home the Doctor finds K-1. He is attacked by the Robot as an enemy of humanity. Locked inside the home, the Doctor does everything to evade its advances until the Doctor is knocked to the ground and we are left with the closing Who theme music. Love those cliffhangers!
ROBOT: PART THREE: Okay, so the effects aren't exactly up-to-snuff by today's standards, but they are vintage era
BBC and deliver the story needed along with a few good laughs. When we last left the good Doctor, he was knocked unconscious before the mammoth power that is K-1. The Doctor did ask the Robot what its Prime Directive was and it indicated it must not harm humanity, except in this case apparently. There are always exceptions to the rule aren't there?

Sarah Jane has arrived outside the professor's home in a nick of time. Sarah Jane, in full on hippie-gypsy garb, explains to K-1 the people that are giving the Robot orders are evil. The Robot is confused and rampages out of the home. Okay, rampage may be a slight exaggeration. The Robot more or less walks slowly out of the bulding while being shot at by the military. Professor Kettlewell is bound and gagged inside his home. Kettlewell returns to the Unit.

Back at the Unit, the professor explains how he created the Robot's metal as well. It's a living metal. Sarah Jane decides to go to the
SRS meeting with the professor. The Doctor is resting back at the Unit. Mr. Benton informs the Brigadier and the Doctor that Sarah and the professor are off to the
SRS meeting. The Doctor is looking less than pleased with that decision.

In the meeting, the radical Miss Winters is working the crowd into a major frenzy. Miss WInters introduces the professor using him for their cause or so I thought. It becomes clear the professor has been playing everyone like a fiddle. He intentionally feigned severing ties with his Robot and the institute earlier in
Part Two. He also lured the Doctor to his home on purpose in the hopes of having him killed. He also pretended to be gagged and bound to cover up his plan. Wow. He's very tricksy! He does play look the part as a pretty insane, wacky-looking professor. The Doctor arrives with his crazy antics to get the crowd laughing. The Doctor asks the professor why he is working for the radicals. The military arrives and fires upon the Robot. Oddly, Sarah is nearby making the move seem rather ill-planned. Miss Winters escapes with Jellicoe and Sarah as hostage. The crazies escape with Sarah and the destructor codes. They also abduct Harry Sullivan. Benton takes the Doctor to their hidden away bunker. The Unit is under assault by automatic machine gunfire. Hi-tech defenses surround the perimeter of the bunker. Will our heroes successfully infiltrate?
Miss Winters reaches out to the Brigadier with demands. She stipulates a full surrender in thirty minutes or the destructor codes will be employed.

Meanwhile the military
Unit destroys all weaponry, whilst the Doctor finishes off the underground mines with his infamous sonic screwdriver. This is the first application of the Sonic Screwdriver in the hands of the fourth doctor.

He also whips his sonic screwdriver out to break the seal of a door to gain entry. I gotta get me one of those.
This is a toy tank. An actual tank was desired but never realized.

The baddies give Robot the disintegrator gun so that he can destroy the Doctor and
Unit. The Doctor and company fall back to the woods as K-1 arrives. The Robot quickly disintegrates a man and a tank. The eerie sound of the Doctor Who theme song arrives as the the K-1 Robot announces, "
go now or I will destroy you all!" That Prime Directive really isn't working so well.
ROBOT: PART FOUR: And now for the exciting conclusion to
Robot, the first full adventure in the capable hands of the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. Okay, well, it hasn't been that exciting, but it's Tom Baker's first time out. Everyone needs a little time. Miss Winters readies her use of the destructor codes which are capable of igniting a nuclear war. Now that's more like a villainous plan. Miss Winters may actually give those James Bond baddies a run for their money.
Relax, there's only a killer Robot on the loose and a potential for nuclear war. No worries.

The Doctor and company implement a plan to draw K-1 away from the entrance point so the Doctor can finish cutting through the doorway with his sonic screwdriver. Harry, Sarah and the professor escape. Sarah pleads with K-1 informing it the evildoers want to start an atomic war.

The K-1 Robot is truly conflicted between whether he should destroy or not. Damn it man make a decision Robot. Unfortunately K-1 gets really confused and disintegrates yelling "
the one who created me." Suddenly K-1 falls to the ground. Poor K-1 has some real issues.
Miss Winters is apprehended, but the launch codes for all of the nuclear missiles have been activated. The Doctor begins punching away on the keyboard at a rapidfire pace halting the countdown sequence just two seconds before launching.

Sarah is stopped by the Kettlewell Robot in the basement. Doctor Who suspects Sarah is in trouble as K-1 must be in a "
state of tremendous emotional shock." Yes, Robots can get emotional, just ask the Cylons. K-1 is still tasked with destruction [despite that little thing called the Prime Directive but whatever]. K-1 assures Sarah she will be saved. Whew! Robot is worst than a bad date. It's a bit of beauty and the beast here or beauty and Robot. "
Just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets," declares the Brigadier. Benton mentions the metal-eating virus designed by Kettlewell and the Doctor hurries to the professor's office in the silly yellow car referred to as
Bessie. It may be the only time we see
Bessie during the Fourth Doctor's tenor. It may not. I simply cannot recall.

K-1 and Sarah arrive in the secret launch room as K-1 reactivates a launch sequence. Robot insists it is trying to fulfill his creator's wishes to recreate mankind, I think. The Doctor is certain K-1 is suffering from an excessive
Oedipus Complex making it difficult to see through the professor's original mad plan to destroy the planet. The
Oedipus Complex is a psychoanalytical reference whereby a child is driven by repressed feelings to possess the parent of the opposite sex, while destroying the parent of the same sex. Boy, these Robots really are complex and far more complicated than me.

The final sequence becomes utterly laughable as the K-1 Robot grows into a King Kong-sized Robot and grabs Sarah in its clutches carrying her to a local building. The giant Robot is now rampaging and looking about as ridiculous as it gets. A fake doll version of Sarah in the Robot's hand is off the charts hysterical. My boy was cracking up.

So the disintegrator ray didn't work on the Robot. "
I see our little problem seems to have grown" exclaims the Doctor. The Brigadier has summoned the
RAF, but the Doctor has a plan. The doctor douses the Robot with the metal-eating virus and it quickly spreads across the surface of the Robot's body. It quickly shrinks back to size. The Robot quickly turns bright orange and disappears. Farewell my friend.
Back at Unit the Doctor offers Sarah a jelly baby. Ah yes, this would be the introduction to the Doctor's jelly baby obsession. Sarah is slightly saddened by the loss of the Robot. Yes, we're all broken up. Those final moments recreate a Who version homage to King Kong. Here is one of the finest closing moments. Remember, It's all about the character. Nevermind those cheesy effects behind the curtain.
The K-1 Robot is a pretty striking design for its time. A fairly weak story is salvaged by some fine performances on the whole. Robot serves up a glimpse of greatness from Tom Baker and in that makes it worthwhile. That, of course, combined with the sparkle of chemistry hinted to between the Doctor and the beautiful Elisabeth Sladen along with the insanely likeable Ian Marter. Things are just getting underway and any first outing deserves a little slack. Still, Baker does hit the ground running. "There's no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." Amen.
Robot: C/ Director: Christopher Barry/ Writer: Terrance Dicks/ Producer: Barry Letts.
This would be the end of Producer Barry Letts tenor. Producer Philip Hinchcliffe would take over and place his own stamp on the style and direction of the series following Robot. For that reason, Robot feels considerably different to those going forward. Writer Terrance Dicks would also take a step back to make way for new blood to inject ideas into the ever-changing Doctor Who universe.
DVD Extras: Audio Commentary by Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Terrance Hicks and producer Barry Letts. A real treat now that Letts is no longer with us. The BBC video release has a number of bright spots including a 2007 documentary entitled Are Friends Electric? [38 min]. This is an entertaining look back at landing Tom Baker as the new Doctor and the making of Robot. It includes wonderful interviews and behind-the-scenes footage starring none other than Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Alec Linstead [Jellicoe], Patricia Maynard [Miss Winters], Michael Kilgarriff [Robot], Edward Burnham [the Professor], producers Barry Letts and Philip Hinchcliffe, script editor Terrance Dicks and Director Christopher Barry. It's a truly special highlight on the DVD. Here is a terrific sample complete with Tom's trademark smile. Sweet!
You will also receive a short on the making of The Tunnel Effect [13 min] for the opening theme to Doctor Who.
The afortementioned Ian Marter is noticeably absent from the proceedings in the documentary you will note. Sadly, Ian Marter [1944-1986] died suddenly at the ripe young age of 42 on his birthday following a heart attack and complications from diabetes. Marter was actually cast to play a young, more physical part opposite an expected older casting for Doctor Who. After Tom Baker was cast Marter was less critical to the ongoing adventures and was slowly phased out of production. He was a popular character on the show from December 1974 to December 1975. The expected action hero plan for Marter was no longer imperative and thus Marter was inevitably let go despite being a fan favorite.