Okay, so Babylon 5 appeared a little out of order according to one directory I enjoy perusing organized by SciFi Stream. Day Of The Dead was tagged as Episode 11, whilst the DVD box set for Season 5 clearly has it pegged and hard-coded as Episode 8. I'm sure there is some logical explanation out there in the dark, great, vastness of cyberspace.
The latest entry sees Sheridan, Garibaldi & Delenn discussing hit and run attacks on the shipping lanes. Sheridan always suspects the Raiders, but this time they are not so sure. The attacks are too precise and almost military-like in style. The Rangers are deployed to the shipping lanes for the latest installment, Babylon 5, Season Five, Episode 9, In The Kingdom Of The Blind.
On Centauri Prime, G'Kar is frisking all visitors to Londo's quarters. Londo inquires about the Regent [brilliantly played again by Damian London], but is informed of his unstable nature at the moment. He has been mostly in seclusion. The Regent is apparently drinking heavily and Londo is very surprised to hear that news. Of course it is no doubt to control the Keeper that is tied to his neck. Londo notes things are certainly quieter since Cartagia's departure. Still, things are also stranger. Many venues of Centauri life are being classified as top secret and no one knows why. All suspect the Regent will no doubt see Prime Minister Londo Mollari.
On the station Byron tells his lady love Lyta something is brewing. She asks him if he's ever afraid and Byron tells her "constantly."
Londo is taken to Lord Jano's quarters where he is found hanging. This is not a result of one of those strange auto-erotic sex acts. It's not suicide either. This is of course murder.
Yikes! Angry Drazi!
I like this pumpkinhead-like costume head. It's kinda cool.
Byron impresses upon his group there is safety in numbers and that they must stick together and sing Coke commercials. Just kidding. Some of the telepaths have been separated and are being utilized as punching bags across the station. Byron's people ignore his orders and go out to help the others assaulted by the various alien races. Violence and bloodshed are the orders of the day. Byron is so moved by the violence he is caressed and consoled by Lyta's loving touch. He is a truly pathetic, girly man.
Zack goes to Sheridan under orders from Lochley to determine what to do with the telepeeps. Sheridan considers caving into the terrorist, er telepath demands, but needs to put them in custody first.
Byron is delusional. He reckons other worlds will soften to their plight. Seriously dude, these aliens eat each other for breakfast. They ain't gonna give two good fish sticks about you there Goldilocks. Byron is living in a dream world. Other telepaths would prefer to fight back and kill if necessary. Byron is disgusted by such actions. So nearly half the telepeeps leave, while the rest fall in and enclose Byron with their protective, cult-like, love-fawning. They preen over him and do their weird group pawing adoring their Fabio master. Just ridiculous.
This creepy fellow is very cool, but also different in appearance from the glowing-eyed fellow. What is their connection? I can see why the Techno-Mages got out of dodge long ago.
While in his quarters Londo indicates he is frightened for the first time to G'Kar. G'Kar is stunned to hear Londo is scared and decides he, too, will not sleep.
This episode started to go somewhere for me in the end particularly with the Centauri thread, but it is still lacking in the standard Babylon 5 magic I had come to expect.
In The Kingdom Of The Blind: B-
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