-Amos Burton-

I'm reminded with each new viewing how strong this series is. The sounds, the details, the faithfulness to the books by James S.A. Corey. New pieces, new subtleties in the character beats and world building are revealed to me each time I absorb The Expanse. It's an impressive science fiction. It's arguably my favorite. Wonderful characters, interesting tech and world building, wonderful attention to detail in the ship designs. It's a state-of-the-art enterprise. It is a meticulous production. SyFy gets a lot of knocks and while I was disappointed the network cancelled the series after three seasons (thank you Amazon Prime for saving it), SyFy really allowed Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby and the creative team behind The Expanse to create something deliciously special for science fiction fans. SyFy deserves that appreciation because The Expanse is stellar in every way.
The Expanse, Season One, Episode 2, The Big Empty, covered here extensively, sees the characters reveal bits about themselves as they float through the big empty of space. Following a thrilling and harrowing opening that sees the five survivors (Holden, Naomi, Amos, Alex and Shed) flee the incoming debris of the now destroyed Canterbury in the tiny Shuttle Knight, following events from Dulcinea, the team comes to terms with their situation and competing moves for what comes next sees the group jockey for control of their future. The tension and humor is real between some genuinely believable characters.
Meanwhile, Thomas Jane's Josephus Miller investigates the disappearance of Juliette Mao while based at Ceres Station for Star Helix Security.
The episode ramps up the tension on our five principals in the Shuttle Knight until they are swallowed and taken in by a Martian warship called the MCRN Donnager.
This is indeed science fiction the way it should be as The Expanse continues to follow the beats of the novel and unfold its truly compelling story.
Writer: Mark Fergus/ Hawk Ostby.
Director: Terry McDonough.