"He (Robert Heinlein) was the big believer in scruffy, individualistic, patriotic iconoclasts who were all ornery libertarians, and were suspicious of organized religion, government, the military and the higher-ups in control.
They were loyal to their men and their neighbors; they believed in taking care of the people in their neighborhood.
That's something very much in the spirit of Defiance."
-Kevin Murphy, On Defiance, Sci-Fi Now #95, p.59-
It's official folks. Defiance (2013-2015) is cancelled after just three seasons by SyFy. Mathematically, on episodes alone, Stargate Universe was given more time. That's hard to believe but true.
There was some closure in the final season and seeing the disparate cast of characters come together in a spirit of cooperation to fight a common enemy was at least inspired.

Shtako! I'm certainly not stunned, but I am disappointed. I'm not expecting another channel to rescue the series like some white knight. I'm not going to get on a pedestal and decry I will never invest time in a SyFy series again. I will.
I'm looking forward with great anticipation to The Expanse (premiere 2015) starring Thomas Jane and the return of Dark Matter (2015-present). It's as if the science fiction gods giveth and taketh away. Such is the life of a Sci-Fi Fanatic. Those are the rhythms and laws of the science fiction television universe that we simply must accept.

It was this colorful science fiction community populated with fascinating characters brought together in a semi-civilized melting pot that I adored most about Defiance. Episode to episode it was interesting to watch the writers and actors bring this intriguing, unique sci-fi world to life. It's a sad day to see you go.
As Murphy noted to The Hollywood Reporter, with pride, as he should, "together we built a world. Because of that, there is no room for anything other than joy in my heart."

One small favor to Bear McCreary, please, for the love of God, release the music from Season Three. Don't forget the fans of your music and the music of Defiance. There were some tremendous compositions recorded for that season. I'm still waiting for the score from Stargate Universe by Joel Goldsmith. Please don't make me wait too long for Defiance Season Three.
And to Defiance and all involved--- thank you for the science fiction memories and a quality series. You will be missed.

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