I've been positively up to my neck in Star Trek viewing of late alternating heavily between Star Trek: The Next Generation and Stargate Universe.
I missed this story originally, but sadly, director Cliff Bole (1937-2014) passed away several days before the great Harold Ramis (1944-2014).
Bole is notable as a major directing force behind many of our genre favorites. He directed for The Six Million Dollar Man (12 episodes; 1974-1978), V (3 episodes), Star Trek: The Next Generation (25 episodes; 1987-1994), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (7 episodes; 1993-1999), Star Trek: Voyager (10 episodes; 1995-2001) and The X-Files (4 episodes; 1993-2002) not to mention my other childhood favorites like Charlie's Angels (6 episodes; 1976-1981) and Fantasy Island (20 episodes; 1977-1984) and a whole lot more.

He directed ST:TNG, Season One, Episode 25, Conspiracy which featured a race called the Bolians named after Bole. We'll be looking at that very episode sometime here in 2014.
Bole also had the reins on perhaps one of the best remembered and beloved of the ST:TNG franchise, often cited as the very best of the series, in Best Of Both Worlds (both parts). Bole even handled the second part of ST:TNG episode Unification starring a returning Leonard Nimoy.
Bole's input behind the camera and his influence on shaping the look of Star Trek: The Next Generation was certainly significant. His contributions to these wonderful series were indeed mighty.
Here at Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic we say thanks for all of his influence and we are sorry to see him go.