"1-2-3, let's jam!" I'd be remiss if I didn't open with those explosive words from the series spectacular opening theme, Tank!, by Yoko Kanno And The Seat Belts.
WOW! Cowboy Bebop could be the perfect fusion of animation/ anime, science fiction and action backed by one of the coolest Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Mixes I've heard in some time. I'm having a bit of fun on the side with these short 22 minute entries. Welcome to Cowboy Bebop, Session #1, Asteroid Blues. I've been told this blend of anime and science fiction is must see anime and I suspect I will explore it further at some point. This is my initial foray into the series. I look forward to uncorking the excitement I have heard so much about over the years. How it will stack up to my sci-fi sensibilities is another question. It's always been on my list to watch this series from start to finish. Perhaps this will get me started.
The newly remastered Cowboy Bebop Remix doesn't disappoint. The title score by Yoko Kanno absolutely bursts off the screen and explodes from the speakers.
It is a pipin' hot jazz and blues mix throughout and the audio truly enhances the visual flair and flavors. Now, by all appearances the visuals have not received the same remaster treatment here folks, but I can tell you the colors are vibrant and fresh and look as though they were at least given some attention in the process.
This a terrific cinematic moment that is deftly delivered by the creators of the series.
The year is 2071 and this is the beginning of the Cowboy Bebop experience. I suspect there will be many asteroid blues ahead indeed. You'll need the appropriate speakers to fully experience this series and with an HD 1080p up converter and HDMI cable the disc will look and sound amazing if it continues on this course.
The year is 2071 and this is the beginning of the Cowboy Bebop experience. I suspect there will be many asteroid blues ahead indeed. You'll need the appropriate speakers to fully experience this series and with an HD 1080p up converter and HDMI cable the disc will look and sound amazing if it continues on this course.
Asteroid Blues: B+
Main Characters:
Spike Spiegel
Jet Black
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