Here's the message that was posted at the end of June on Cafepress.com.
I was warned that there wasn't much time left to get them so I went for it. I'll post more about them someday when I finish the series and have a chance to read them. Fortunately I'm the proud owner of a set of these honkin' books. I'm pretty excited and pretty broke for it just the same."The Babylon 5 Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski Limited Edition 14 volume series availability ended on June 30, 2008. They are no longer available and will never be re-issued. Congratulations to all who got them."
Anyway, as some or most of you know, Cafe Press issued them and they have just recently posted the following:
You can click here and it will take you to the site where you can submit your own question. I know those of you who have been following my own thread/ personal journey of Babylon 5 discovery are very thoughtful and have and would offer some great suggestions for that book."Later this year we will be releasing the Babylon 5 Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski: TV Movies. With this book is a special opportunity. For the first time J. Michael Straczynski is letting fans ask any question they want about the four TV Movies Thirdspace, The River of Souls, Legend of the Rangers or The Lost Tales.
"Which of your films resulted in your favorite accomplishment?" or "Who provided the greatest direction for your vision in the films personally, yourself included, alongside series regulars Mike Vejar, Janet Greek and Jesus Trevino?"
Hopefully these are some decent questions and they will be considered. Also, I'm actually interested in knowing the answer to these questions. No one gets specific recognition for their question, they are just going to pick the very best questions and use them in the book and I know the folks here will come up with some great ones.
If anyone would like to post their thoughts for some good questions [without killing me on any hardcore spoilers] please do so because I'd love to see your thoughts on this great offer from Straczynski. If not, head over and definitely drop some great questions for the book.
Finally, why is it In The Beginning or A Call To Arms are not included in this book's offerings? I can understand why The Gathering might not be considered as the series pilot, but perhaps you all have some thoughts on why the other two are not included. Maybe they are going to be discussed in the book and perhaps they are just not mentioned in this question. I don't know.
Okay, that's all for now, but I wanted to make sure you knew about it. Fasten-Zip Out!
The Gathering and In the Beginning are already included in the 15 volumes (check them for misprints and missing pages!). A Call to Arms was sort of a pilot for Crusade, and thus will probably be included in that collection.
You see it all makes sense now. Thanks for the input M! I'm off to submit my question.
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