I was going to write a quick entry about my experience at Circuit City the other day, but then decided to incorporate it here and just open with a little side story.
Okay, so I digressed a bit there, but that was clearly a musing worth mentioning in relation to our love for Babylon 5. So on we go with the latest installment.
Here we are with Babylon 5, Season Three, Episode 12, Sic Transit Vir. I was torn between calling this entry Sick 'Em Vir! or …
Remember that School House Rock theme. I can here it playing in Londo's quarters: "The most important person in the world to you is you and you hardly even know you." How fitting.
Vir: “You know collusion, politicking, scheming, innuendo, gossip, same old thing.”
Londo: “Good. Good.”
Vir is introduced to his beautiful, petite wife to be, Lyndisty, a delightful, seductive yet devilish turn from Armen Thomas.
Lyndisty: “Ambassador Mollari told me everything about you.”
Londo: “Oh, don’t worry Vir. I only told her the good parts. It was a very short conversation.”
Ouch! Nice. WOW! With friends like that who needs enemies Vir? Londo loves to belittle everything around him to pump up his own prestige. Speaking of which, is it customary to hang a self-portrait in your own quarters? It has to be the height of vanity to be sure.
His vanity knows no bounds. MINE are this BIG! [He does have several large bugs you know.]
I loved his comments about the bugs in his room. “I swear they are evolving right before my eyes. If you see something this big with eight legs coming your way let me know I have to kill it before it develops language skills.”
Sheridan invites Delenn to a candlelight dinner in his quarters. There seems to be a lot of action there lately, albeit not always desired. Sheridan prepares Delenn a flavorless dish of Flarn. It is essentially God awful illustrated by the old ‘look over there at that picture’ trick. As kids we pulled that trick often with the folks and quickly dispensed with food we weren't crazy about to the family dog who was always waiting by our knees happy for the scraps. Tink 'the blink' was well-trained and together we cleaned our plates. It was always quiet and there was never any evidence left behind. So, anyway, Sheridan turns his head away from the table while Delenn applies salt and pepper to aid in the taste.
Sgt. Allan visits Ivanova at Command & Control and notes some inconsistencies concerning the Narn and reports indicating they are deceased. It was at this point I began to realize we had a little Schindler named Vir on board Babylon 5 doing his best to save the Narn anyway he possibly could [a la Schindler’s List].
Sgt. Allan visits Ivanova at Command & Control and notes some inconsistencies concerning the Narn and reports indicating they are deceased. It was at this point I began to realize we had a little Schindler named Vir on board Babylon 5 doing his best to save the Narn anyway he possibly could [a la Schindler’s List].
I believe he may be about to eat her face.
As far as Vir goes, he may be a noble Centauri, a rare Centauri looking to do the right thing, but a ladies’ man he is not. Lyndisky is a charming little package of hotness- searing bald hotness at least. I love his waddle-like walk and his general discomfort around her. He is definitely a virgin, but such a likeable guy. She offers him nights filled with an “anarchy of pleasure.” Yes! Now that is my kind of anarchy. Where are these Centauri women on Earth when you need them?
Later, a knife-wielding Narn attacks Vir and Lyndisky. Vir is accused of murder. Why? Sgt. Allan and his PPG subdue the Narn and Vir is perceived a brave protector to his future ladylove. Vir has got it goin' on baby! Vir turns to Ivanova for advice on the opposite sex. It's interesting to note Ivanova’s own discomfort and her acknowledgement that “every woman is different.” That much we are certain. This is good stuff.
Leave it to Ivanova her timing is always impeccable. There are loads of great sexual undercurrents on Babylon 5. Oh and then there's this almost moment. I was so on the fence regarding 'the moment'. [It's like the damn Love Boat here! Love Babylon if you will!]
I wanted it to happen, but then I didn’t want it to happen. If it happened I would have been disappointed it happened and then sad that I could no longer want it to happen. The fact that it didn’t happen allowed for me to still want it to happen. I wanted that more [sort of]. I think. I'm not sure I'm feelin' it between these two. I think chemistry is there but not loads of it, therefore I'm not all that desirous to see it transpire.
As it turns out Vir is utilizing a ghost name to transfer Narn off Centauri Prime for better health care and attention off world. He is saving them from the brutality of his own people and potentially death. Ivanova meets with Sheridan in Londo’s quarters to confront Vir. All 2,000 Narn are listed as dead who were transferred. Since Vir is a walking target by the Narn it is assumed their deaths are resulting by his actions. Vir exclaims, “They’re not dead!” Vir altered the records so they could not be traced. They were being sent to other places to be helped. Vir is Schindler and his only regret is that he didn’t save more. Londo is disgusted by his actions.
Vir turns to Lyndisky only to find she, too, is a racist. His heart is quietly broken. Vir is disturbed and troubled by her hatred for the Narn. She is a package of sweetness and smiles, but underneath it all the product of her rearing on Centauri [she is the whole nurture argument at work]. She views the Narn as nothing more than mice to be exterminated. To prove it, she has a surprise for good-natured Vir.
Lyndisky has bound a Narn in her quarters. He attempted to kill her. She has kept him alive so that Vir could have the honor of killing the Narn as acceptance into her family. Now we know the truth. It was Lyndisky that was truly the target of the Narn as the daughter to a family of Narn herding murderers. Her family has played a key role in the destruction of the Narn. They have attempted to weed out, in particular, aggressive Narn from the gene pool. Gee, that’s funny, if you’re cornered, herded or caged; I’m thinking anything or anyone might get aggressive.
The Narn that lies before them is an escapee from a village her family purified. As the new head of the household, Lyndisky hands Vir the knife. She assures him it gets easier and easier. Damn that little cutie is a cold-blooded Narn assassin, but then there's that whole "anarchy of pleasure" thing she's got going.
Later Londo informs Vir he has done his best to cover up the “unfortunate incident,” maybe less on behalf of Vir and more to avoid any personal shame given his associations with him. Londo believes the Minbari influence has been unhealthy and he has relocated Vir back to Babylon 5 permanently. Vir's marriage has been postponed. Londo recommends he go kiss her ass essentially. As he says goodbye to her, like a schoolboy, he is intoxicated by her touch and beauty and remains hopeful he can work it out despite her flaws and maybe work out that "anarchy of pleasure." Hell, it's incentive. Heck if Democrats and Republicans, Tory and Labor, and so on can marry and live in harmony, what’s the death of a few Narn among would be lovers?
Londo: “She’s a good woman, a true Centauri.”
Vir: “That she is.”
Look, I know I'm hard on Londo and some are defensive of his true motives, but he's not exactly deserving of a break at the moment. His disdain for the Narn and his general selfish attitude is unbecoming. That being said I savor his screen time and he's a fascinating character that I do feel has much potential for redemption.
Londo: “She’s a good woman, a true Centauri.”
Vir: “That she is.”
Ivanova has aided Vir and the station by utilizing Sheridan’s face to establish a phony Centauri personnel file for one Abrahamo Lincolni. It’s fitting they should use former President Abraham Lincoln’s name as the man behind the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862-63 and the freeing of slaves during the American Civil War. The Narn need some help indeed. Ivanova’s creation of the file has fulfilled her need for an additional mission in her role aboard Babylon 5.
With or without clothes she still looks fabulous [and damn those lips!]
Not much to say about this one ... it's a bit over the top, Londo's fighting epic battle with bugs, Sheridan's kitchen mess, Vir seeking out Susan for sexual advisory, and Lydisty makes Lady Macbeth look like a balanced person... but it was about time for a bit of silliness, I suppose.
JMS on the title: "Yes, it's sort of a double pun in that respect...thus passes the man (=sic transit Vir), which can have many meanings, also entering manhood, or dying, or going away, or the more Vir transitioning, or going...lots of variations."
You said it M! This one was broderline B territory. It was marginal. I did like the Ivanova scene though. Silly good, yeah, that about sums it up.
Yeah, OTOH it's good to know that there's still room for silliness in JMS' otherwise often quite dark and scary imagination.
I liked Sheridan's psychoanalysis - or rather psycho-babble? If Trek uses techno-babble, in B5 you occasionally have psycho-babble instead :)
That's so true...well Sheridan delivered it convincingly indeed just as Scotty did on Star Trek with the Techno babble. : )
To actually see Claudia Christian (Susan Ivanova) naked, you have to see the Playboy photo shoot. She said in the interview that she wanted to show that "regular" women were beautiful too. Thing is, she doesn't realize that on the beauty scale, she is way above "regular" or average. She gets at minimum a 7 with at least one additional point for geek creds.
I cannot argue with that assessment one iota Anonymous. I mean come on Claudia, you're beautiful.
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