This is a brief post celebrating all things Gerry Anderson and all things colorful in that wonderful world!
It's a wee little FAB FRIDAY!
I arrived home yesterday to the latest issue of FAB Issue 68. I wrote a post about the wonderful work lovingly detailed in these Fanderson magazines and sincerely the quality never ceases to amaze me. This latest installment is chock full of goodies. I've provided a few screen shots. *
In a segment dubbed The Midas Touch, the magazine focuses on the aforementioned character-centric UFO classic in an extensive, detailed five page spread. FAB Issue 67 focused The Midas Touch on Space:1999's The Seance Spectre. An ealier issue even looked closely at The AB Chrysalis. Speaking of Space:1999...*
FAB Issue 68 also brings us Part 5 of Ian Fryer's intensive look at The Making Of Space:1999 with a six page spotlight on each episode in Year Two. Issue 67 focused Part 4 on the run up to Year Two called The Future Is Fantastic. Issue 66 offers a complete and thorough look at the episodes of Year One to give you an idea. The entire run offers an exhaustive and welcomed look at the entire Space:1999 series from conception to conclusion, which is sure to please roving Moonbase Alpha fans everywhere.*
Finally, there's plenty of goods on Space Precinct and Thunderbirds including, if you hadn't heard, Gerry Anderson's plans to bring Thunderbirds back. Yes, Gerry Anderson has plans for an updated Thunderbirds and admits it will be a "smash"! Well, if it's anything like the quality that continues to go into print for this fine publication I'm sure it will be.*
Paying for exclusive membership in a given publication is a funny business. Often, I will pay for a membership and inevitably drop out the next time I'm required to renew. This may be a first, but I think I'm back on board. Fanderson's FAB magazine is a gorgeous, full color, glossy classic. There aren't many magazines that tirelessly give you new insights into original science fiction productions the way the staff over at Fanderson does. By the looks of it, fanzine Andersonic is one more premiere outlet for fans of all things Gerry Anderson too.*
Well, the renewal for FAB is upon me and all I can say is "Virgil F-A-B!"
Wow -- this magazine issue looks amazing. There are some photos there from 1999 I've never seen before.
Thanks John. Yes, I agree. One of the appeals of this fine publication is the access it has to some great photographic material.
They never fail to present something classic witha completely fresh, new look and presentation particularly using photos we've never seen. Cheers. SFF
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