I love Boxleitner. I especially love when he's pissed and says things like "straight to hell!" He's one helluva commander! I also love Ivanova as second in command. She kicks ass! She has that steely-eyed resolve. The two are indeed command and control. I love their sack and spine in hitting the Centauri with both barrels to protect Babylon 5 and the Narn vessel at all costs in the season ending installment of Babylon 5's The Fall Of Night.
What's funny about Sheridan's use of the line, "Straight To Hell," is, not only is it where this show feels like it's going, but those same words were uttered by Sheridan in his debut, Points Of Departure, and everything has come full circle here.
I must admit folks there is so much happening in Babylon 5 it takes me roughly 2 hours to actually sit through and write down thoughts on each one of these episodes. It is wall to wall jammed with excitement. The Fall Of Night is a humdinger of intrigue and climax as only Babylon 5 can deliver it.
So Londo, sporting his classic 'bad guy black' jacket, is clearly out of control. The monster is out of the box, unleashed and beyond reason. The entire region around Centauri is in conflict. The ultimate spin doctor and spin maestro that Londo aspires to be tells Sheridan he is attempting to “stabilize the region” by “establishing a presence.” Uh-huh. Sheridan cannot understand why Londo can’t see everything falling apart. I know how he feels, I just want to beat my head against the wall in frustration. Arggghhh! But, I know it is Straczynski's intention to create one of the world's greatest science fiction-styled Greek tragedies.
Garibaldi nails it a short time later when he informs Sheridan that Londo is not the same guy anymore, he sees fear in his eyes. He is at once angry with him and sympathetic. "Look into his eyes sometime. You can see fast things are moving. For Londo, it’s like being on a wild horse. You don’t want to get thrown off, so you hang on even harder. He’s trapped. You know, half the time, I’m so furious with the guy I could break his neck. The other half, I feel sorry for him."
Sheridan, elsewhere, has promised an incoming Narn pilot and its surviving heavy cruiser sanctuary. It has jumped to a point on the other side of Epsilon 3 where it remains in hiding. He assures the Narn [Na’Kai] he will protect him while in Babylon 5 airspace.
Mr. Welles propositions Ivanova to become a Nightwatch representative [a.k.a. snitch, stoolie, ratfink]. He urge that it will expedite her future career options. She is incensed and stands by her code of honor by sending him packing. His ovations are made without the informing the Ministry Of Peace.
The purpose of the Nightwatch program is becoming clearer. Its intentions are not neutral, but as oversight for Earth Defense interests. Its mission: act as a Big Brother on Babylon 5 and weed out acts of sedition or even those that might be deemed suspicious concerning alien races and their comings and goings on the station [Earthers are not immuned]. I have been tough on Jeff Conaway, but he gives his best turn to date under questioning by Mr. Welles. It’s a good sequence and he plays it well.
Mr. Lantz is meeting with the various ambassadors from the League of Non-Alligned Worlds. Citizen G’Kar requests time, but is bluntly and abruptly turned away and dismissed.
Sheridan learns the Nightwatch associates are feeding information back to Mr. Welles. Lantz arrives in Command & Control demanding to know why fighters are being trained to fight Centauri. Sheridan advises that it would be wise for station pilots to be prepared for any event. Oddly, Lantz demands such maneuvers cease and desist. They could jeopardize his “mission.” What mission? Everyone thought you were here for an analysis of the Centauri dilemma. As it turns out, the real reason for the Ministry’s visit is to sign a Non-Aggression Treaty with the Centauri. Well isn't that just swell. It's the first step to establishing an Earth-Centauri alliance for peace. I believe another way of looking at that is called turning a blind eye and implementing appeasement as they did in Europe with the Nazis. “They’ll never bother us.” Sheridan and Ivanova are stunned. There is a female mole in Command & Control who is sabotaging Sheridan’s authority and just intentions.
The situation is becoming untenable. To ease the tension and stress Ivanova presents a gift to Sheridan. She has brought him a piece of shrapnel from the Minbari Black Star that he took down. She reminds him it has been said no one could take out a Minbari War Cruiser. She assures him Sheridan Starkiller did and that the gift is a symbol that “the impossible is possible.”
Mr. Lantz is meeting with the various ambassadors from the League of Non-Alligned Worlds. Citizen G’Kar requests time, but is bluntly and abruptly turned away and dismissed.
The situation is becoming untenable. To ease the tension and stress Ivanova presents a gift to Sheridan. She has brought him a piece of shrapnel from the Minbari Black Star that he took down. She reminds him it has been said no one could take out a Minbari War Cruiser. She assures him Sheridan Starkiller did and that the gift is a symbol that “the impossible is possible.”
Matters grow worse when the mole informs Mr. Welles of the hidden Narn War Cruiser. It isn’t long before Londo is notified thanks to the Ministry’s agenda. A Centauri Battle Cruiser arrives through the jumpgate and tensions are at their pinnacle. Sheridan assures the Narn of his word to protect him while in Babylon 5 jurisdiction. I had that sinking feeling for G’Kar again and was praying like a Narn to G'Quan that Na’Kai would survive.
Sheridan must stand before the council ordered to apologize and his mirror rehearsal is brilliant.
“I apologize. I’m sorry. I’m sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I’m sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fly around a station filled with a quarter million civilians including your own people. And I’m sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. As with everything else, it’s the thought that counts.” We never actually see the real apology.
Drazi ambassador: “And you Ambassador Mollari – what did you see?"
Londo: “Nothing. I saw nothing."
"He has revealed himself to those who understand," informs Delenn. So there you have it Londo. You are in such deep shit!
It is the end of Earth Year 2259. The Centauri are expanding their empire with the newly formed Earth-Centauri Treaty. The Nightwatch are incarcerating people aboard Babylon 5 suspected of seditious acts against Earth. Freedoms are being removed. War is upon Babylon 5. Yup, just another happy, uplifting entry in the world of Babylon 5. Ya gotta love it!
And, of course, as we mentioned earlier, dum dum, one-chromosome-short Keffer takes on The Shadows in hyperspace just long enough to record some footage for the news services before he bites it from the Babylon 5 opening credit roll. Yeah he definitely didn’t get developed. I was not saddened at his explosive demise. I also was not sad to see Mary Kay Adams go as Na'Toth, the replacement of Julie Caitlin-Brown. In fact, I had completely forgotten about her along the way the season was so good. G'Kar was so good going it solo I just spaced it regarding his assistant. Anyway, with the footage now on intergalactic television I guess the whole Shadows thing is definitely out of the bag at this point.
Classic exchanges:
Sheridan: “I want all our fighters put through training exercises three times a week from now on…”
Ivanova: “I’ll see to it personally. And if they don’t get any better I’ll start issuing live ammo. That should have a very inspirational affect.”
Ivanova: “I’ll see to it personally. And if they don’t get any better I’ll start issuing live ammo. That should have a very inspirational affect.”
The Fall Of Night: A-
Whew! What a season for Babylon 5.
Concerning our god-like Kosh, note what Sheridan said about the Vorlons having manipulated us, and might I remind you of "Deathwalker" and "Inquisitor".
Yeah, JMS is telling us something here ...
I hear whay you're saying. It's almost like programming is involved by the Vorlons. I'll be listening for the clues. "You have always been here." Hmmm...
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