Monday, April 20, 2015

Herb Trimpe (1939-2015)

Another of the legendary artists has passed. Herb Trimpe (1939-2015) will always be best remembered as one of the best to be acquired by Marvel Comics. While he was not among my personal favorites his work is indeed distinctive and unforgettable.

He began his varied and memorable career in the 1960s essentially with The Incredible Hulk. It's worth noting he was the first to draw and have published the character of John Romita, Sr.'s Wolverine in The Incredible Hulk #180 followed by The Incredible Hulk #181.

Trimpe's touch graced a number of amazing covers and I've provided a sample for you. The breadth and scope of his work seems almost unending.

To keep things personal some of the titles he was attached to throughout his storied career that I loved included The Incredible Hulk (1968-1992), The Defenders (1979-1980) which included The Hulk, Iron Man (1971-1990), almost the entire Godzilla run (1977-1979), and almost the entire Shogun Warriors (1979-1980) run. We discussed the Shogun Warriors here recently.

But Trimpe left a huge stamp on Marvel Comics. His work was especially vital in those early years like it is for any artist. Some other notable marks left included his work on G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1982-1991), Machine Man (1984), Planet Of The Apes (1976-1977), Star Wars #17 (1978), some Transformers (1985-1986), and truthfully the list goes on and on.

There are clearly some real fans out there moved by the loss of Trimpe. He was a major player in the Silver Age of Marvel Comics, one of the most unforgettable periods in comic book history.

I know nothing of the man personally though a Christian man with a big heart from what I've read, but above all he was a true comic book artist's artist. He's left some wonderful American classics behind for which he will always be remembered. We're certainly sorry to see him go. Trimpe was 75.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of cool covers. Glad you posted a link to the Shogun Warriors, I'll check that out too. At the time Trimpe was around and popular I wasn't collecting comics, but even if I had been I would not have been that keen on recognizing who did what with the exception of Kirby (it seemed his name was on everything then). But boy, I can see how he became popular. His covers are heaped in action.
