Monday, April 20, 2015

Herb Trimpe (1939-2015): Interior Art Samples

These were some beautiful interior comic book art samples taken mostly from the pages of Marvel's adaptation of Godzilla (1977-1979) by the late Herb Trimpe (1939-2015). This is another contribution and follow-up to our small tribute to the late Herb Trimpe here

Spam does suck Godzilla!


  1. Some nice art there, and pretty highly detailed. As much as I like Kirby, sometimes his art looked distorted or at least stylized. I never thought he could draw women that well. And though I know some are going to say I utter sacrilege, Trimpe overall could draw better on the whole. But either way I admire both men, and they helped build Marvel.

  2. I agree. These guys along with Stan Lee and other really built Marvel. I think you are right on there.

    You know I was never much of a fan of Jack Kirby as a kid. I just never got his artwork.

    When I see it today I have such a different appreciation for it. I have such a respect and reverence for it.

    It is very stylized and as a result distinctly Kirby. I really appreciate his stuff much more today.
