Friday, April 13, 2012


It's FAB FRIDAY science fiction model and miniature fanatics! What better place to discover ship and craft design than the astounding world of Thunderbirds as presented by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and in this case model maker Martin Bower.

There's nothing more fun than discovering a solid fan magazine or smaller publications that are niche works with their respective large bases of support. G-Fan, Fanderson's FAB magazine, Andersonic and now Bowerhouse comes to mind. Martin Bower's model endeavors in the world of model making are captured within the colorful pages of Bowerhouse as he literally takes the process of modelling to the fans through the step by step process of building your favorite models from scratch. Bowerhouse comes in the mold of a classic like Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller.

As of this writing there are five issues cataloguing the exploits of modelling by Bower. Fans of traditional effects and modelling would be wise to check out his wonderful website too.

I purchased a copy of Issue 4 which spotlights four models he built for collectors in America and Japan. These are incredible, extreme collectors and I understand their passion for models.

The highlight of the issue for me personally was his coverage of the Recovery Vehicle, sadly highlighted in just one single episode of the entire Thunderbirds production. That was incredible to me when I began looking at the series in detail. I thought what a travesty to never see the Recovery Vehicle again after its importance in its sole appearance. The Recovery Vehicle is truly a splendid work of vehicle design perfection. Had I recalled it's only appearance would be in Thunderbirds, Series One, Ep2, Pit Of Peril, I probably would have placed an even greater spotlight upon it. I love that one. Pit Of Peril is a solid episode and a great work of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson art. The Recovery Vehicle's only appearance in that entry makes it exceptional and worthy of your investigation.

Bower also looks closely at the Firefly, another ideal design and rescue vehicle. Fortunately, the Firefly turns up in more than one entry. We took a close look at City Of Fire and the application of the Firefly in that rescue effort. Thunderbirds, Series One, Episode 13, Terror In New York City will see the return of the Firefly and more from Martin Bower's Bowerhouse in that entry.

So Bowerhouse magazine is a real inspiration for science fiction fans, aficionados and collectors. This is also not for the non-technical at heart as Bower spends, understandably, considerable time on the details of building and assembly. This issue extends additionally to the Moonbus from 2001: A Space Odyssey as well as a nifty model of one of the original ship designs intended for Alien by Ron Cobb for a collector who preferred the Leviathan over the Nostromo. I must admit I could easily concur with that collector's taste. The Leviathan is a brilliant ship design and even better than the Nostromo. I can imagine it cost the collector a pretty penny.

If you enjoy geeking out to miniature and modelling analysis this magazine is for you and technical details aside there are always some splendid images for you to feast your eyes upon.

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