Friday, April 13, 2012

15 Of The Apocalypse

Be sure to check out this exciting post over at The Film Connoisseur. It's a massive post as big as an atomic mushrooom, but in this case it's a fun one and hopefully it won't kill you. I hope.


  1. It turned out great Gordon, loved your choices and your extensive out look on them! Thanks for participating on this collaboration, it certainly was worth it.

  2. Fran
    First, let me begin by simply saying thank you for organizing such a fine looking post, extending yourself and inviting me to participate. It's an honor to write with both you and J.D.. I had a lot of fun putting five articles together.

    My apologies if I went a bit long, but it really was fun.

    I wanted to take time to write some remarks regarding both your work and JDs and I will be back later to do them justice. I also look forward to the comments as you always have splendid visitors on the site.

    Again, thanks, your post looks like a blast [apocalyptic humor]. I need coffee to go with it. "I'll be back." Cheers my friend, sff.
