Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Life... A... Science-Fiction... Novel."

This was a terrific greeting card I found in a store recently. It caught my attention for obvious reasons. Alan Moore certainly needs no introduction. If you've ever read comics or graphic novels you'll know his name. The man behind V For Vendetta and Watchmen came up with a classic quote here.


  1. He IS the man alright. Don't forget LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN which I would rank right up there with his best stuff. Shame about the crap film adaptation.

  2. Thank you JD. I certainly didn't forget that one. I didn't mention it though and he's done so much more.

    Cheers my friend.

  3. According to Wikiquote, this Alan Moore quote is from a Mustard magazine interview published in 2005. For anyone with plenty of time on their hands and who has a real interest into the inner workings of Alan Moore’s unique mind, the full sixteen page interview is available online at

    I first read Alan Moore with his amazing run on DC’s Swampthing, from 1983 to 1987. The fine detailed artwork by Totleben and Bissette really added to the surreal nature of the stories that Moore wrote. This was truly a groundbreaking title, as it was the first mainstream comic to abandon the Comics Code Authority.

  4. No kidding around Doc. I am so glad you brought that up because i almost alluded to his work on Swamp Thing and thought I would be the only one who remembered those amazing works way back in the 1980s.

    Really great that you mentioned it here. Those Swamp Thing books are really special. You've inspired me to go seek them out again. By God, I miss those books and I had a few back in the day.

    Also, thank you for sharing the link here. Leave it to the Mad Doc Freakenstein to quote the source. Thank you. Cheers. SFF
