Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy... Bologna?

Kirk: Good grief Bones. What in blazes?

Bones: I have found a terrific meal for our day of thanks.

Kirk: Where's the turkey? I wanted turkey Bones!

Bones: Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a stone cold turkey killer! Just the same this is a wonderful turkey substitute. It is a combination of chicken and pork compressed into a round treat. It is from a creature called the Bologna. I assembled it in sick bay.

Kirk: Bones, I'm not even sure it's meat.

Bones: Sure it is. It's delicious too. I spotted a similar animal called the Olive Loaf, but opted to keep this Thanksgiving simple. Besides the Olive Loaf looked like Bologna with a sickness. So, bless your Vulcan-loving heart Captain.

Kirk: You're right Bones. Let us be thankful for all we have. But where is Spock?

Bones: Oh, he'll be right back. He's getting the Spam, Hot Dogs and three bottles of Yoo Hoo.


  1. Hehe. Love this! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friend.

  2. All the best to you this season and all the year round L13. You're a pleasure. SFF

  3. SFF: Ha!

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with the family!

