Friday, January 22, 2021

Mira Furlan (1955-2021)

"We're all star stuff." -Delenn-

Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic is sad to read and report the passing of beautiful, Croatian-born actress Mira Furlan (1955-2021).

She was wonderful in LOST (recurring in 22 episodes) as Danielle Rousseau.

She had a starring role in J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5 (1993-1998; five seasons) as Delenn for its entire run. Babylon 5 was one of the first things I began posting about on this blog.

Mira Furlan's life was not easy. She escaped the civil war of former Yugoslavia before landing a part in Babylon 5. She left behind a successful career and had to literally reinvent herself, adjust to life and language in the USA speaking English. Her transition was quite painful initially, but she persevered and overcame the adversity to make it. She was a survivor who led a remarkable life.

It was just a sad moment to read that she had passed on from alleged complications as a result of West Nile Virus. Her work was always a pleasure. Both notable sci-fi series are exceptional and her work is magnificent. Her starring spot as part of an ensemble cast on Babylon 5 truly shines. The lovely woman will be missed.

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