Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dick Tufeld: On Altering The Voice Of Robot On Lost In Space

"It wasn't intentional. I became the Robot by sounding stiff and mechanical in the first three of four episodes, but over a period of time, maybe six weeks, I changed his voice to what he now sounds like. I wish I could say it was deliberate, but it wasn't. In fact, I recently saw the pilot again, and I was astonished at how cold and mechanical the Robot sounded."

-Dick Tufeld, Starlog Magazine #315 (p.88)-

When it came to gradual transformations in character on Lost In Space, Jonathan Harris, as Dr. Zachary Smith, wasn't the only one altering character and infusing his own designs. Dick Tufeld was indeed making his own subtle changes though, perhaps, not with the same calculation as Harris.

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