Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Stephen Furst (1954-2017)

"It's been one hell of a day."

Centauri diplomatic attaché Vir Cotto, a.k.a. actor Stephen Furst (1954-2017), is gone. The actor behind the infinitely loveable Vir on Babylon 5 (1993-1998) passed away following the loss of fellow Babylon 5 actor Jerry Doyle in 2016.

Furst was the perfect foil to the much darker Centauri Londo Mollari as played by Peter Jurasik. Furst always lit up the camera with his disarming smile and light approach in the series.

Furst will also be remembered as beloved Kent "Flounder" Dorfman in National Lampoon's Animal House (1978).

Furst also starred in St. Elsewhere (1982-1988) for six seasons as Dr. Elliot Axelrod.

It was a good deal of fun covering Babylon 5 here on Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic as part of my pop culture and science fiction experience. Furst was indeed a welcomed part of my daily ritual. Watching him on Babylon 5 was a joy.

Furst joins the losses of other Babylon 5 alum including Jerry Doyle, Michael O'Hare (1952-2012), Richard Biggs (1960-2004), Jeff Conaway (1950-2011) and finally Andreas Katsulas (1946-2006) who played G'Kar.

So another one leaves us. Sad to see Flounder slip away.

He was just 63.

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