Saturday, May 6, 2017

James Middleton: On Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

"After Terminator 3 was released, I felt like I really wanted to see Sarah again. And the idea of seeing her on a television show was even more interesting to me because you get to see more of what makes Sarah an iconic character. What we've done with the television show is create an entirely new timeline. Sarah is always concerned about her mortality from the standpoint that she worries about dying and whether her work will be done. That's always going to inform her character, but in terms of our show, the premise of the Pilot establishes a move away from Terminator 3. We've created a whole new time line, a different future, and a new fate for Sarah."

-James Middleton, SciFiNow #12, p.41-

This is indeed a component of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-2009) series and one that, while not entirely tangible, is evidenced in the mood and the sense of impending doom that hovers over it. The atmosphere is heavy and dripping with it.

This writer identifies with the character aspect of the series.

Most people who enjoy this life; its hopes and dreams can certainly relate to the contemplation of one's own mortality. If you have a brain and you think too much, this can be burdensome. For the Sarah Connor character it's a reality. Sarah Connor indeed shoulders a heavy weight in her knowledge of what the future holds and the potential she has to change it. She considers a plan to prevent the end of the world while staying alive.

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