Sunday, July 5, 2015


This is a selection of images extracted from the intense first ten minutes of Redline (2009). This is the YELLOWLINE race. I had so many images to share from my planned coverage of Redline it made sense to break it down to the two races.

Fictional character Mad Max and director George Miller would be proud. Pod racing maniac George Lucas eat your heart out. The crazy drag racing teens in Grease (19878) would be blown away. Anime classics like Speed Racer might need a bit more gasoline! But heck, most of all, the creators of this wildly robust anime spectacle should be very proud of the work they themselves committed to film.

This is just the warm up folks.
The full look at REDLINE, the race and film, is coming soon.


  1. This one turned into a new anime favorite of mine...amazing..kinetic...visually arresting! Looking forward to your review!

  2. Such an impressive piece of animation. Okay, but I must tell you I was surprised you didn't give it the full 5 stars! I would give it five. : )
