Wednesday, April 22, 2015

1000th Post

Can you believe it?

This is the 1000th post for Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic. Wow! Time flies. This blog commenced in October 2007. At this pace we should reach 2000 posts by roughly 2023. Sounds like a science fiction story to me.

So for this celebratory moment I respectfully request the purchase of one of these bikes please. That's not asking a lot now right? Combined small donations and we should be able to pull this off in short order. A boy can dream.

Seriously, thank you all who visit and enjoy making this one of your pit stops on an already busy day.

On with post number 1001 ...


  1. Congrats on the milestone. I can tell you're trying to post more often. I always like to come here to see what you're up to and what you're watching lately.

  2. Two new puppies taken in last week have slowed things a bit due to exhaustion, but thank you El Vox.

  3. Wow! That is a milestone and a half! Congratulations!
