Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Little House On The Prairie S1 Ep3: Country Girls

Boy, that little Nellie Oleson was a shit - she was a right bitch. She was a character you at once loved and hated. Yes, the character you loved to hate and Little House On The Prairie was all the better for having her. Nellie Oleson equaled conflict as Laura's arch nemesis. And what's a great drama without conflict? Little House On The Prairie, Season One, Episode 3, Country Girls is the first introduction to the Nellie Oleson character played exceptionally well as child actors go by Alison Arngrim.
The One To Be Pitied loved Little House On The Prairie almost as much as me. I was given Melissa Gilbert's Prairie Tale: A Memoir to read. I'm looking forward to reading it when time permits which is almost never.
Another autobiography of which I have even greater interest in reading which was acquired is by Little House On The Prairie alum Alison Arngrim called Confessions Of A Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson And Learned To Love Being Hated. What a great title and a little homage to Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (1964) in there.
One of these days I'll get around to reading them because they look like terrific reads. In the meantime this is our third and final look at Little House On The Prairie Season One for the near term. Enjoy the evil Nellie Oleson. How on Earth did the late Richard Bull's Nels Oleson tolerate those two wicked kids, Nellie and Willie Oleson? It was no doubt the love of a parent. God knows Harriet Oleson was the great enabler and origin of those evil seeds (well, initially).

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