Friday, March 7, 2014

Ronald D. Moore: On Caprica

"We want to continue to examine contemporary culture and society, and look at it through this sci-fi prism, the same way as we did on Galactica."
-Ronald D. Moore, SciFiNow #40, p.45-

That is Moore's approach to science fiction in a nutshell. He may have been referencing Caprica (2010), a series even more firmly grounded in an almost soap operatic character drama, but he could just as well have applied that sentiment to Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009).

There is an almost Machiavellian-like fascination with character behavior for Moore. It is this approach to science fiction that quite possibly lends itself to criticisms within the hard science fiction quarters. For good or bad, Moore does not approach his science fiction in the most traditional sense or work the imagination of those worlds in science fiction like the writers of yesterday.  Still he has a certain gift for exploring character motivation beset by both internal and external pressures against a sci-fi backdrop. Thus, there's always room for more Moore at the science fiction table.


  1. I found the BSG remake pretty polarizing to fans. I'm in the camp that didn't care much for it. I have the original series on DVD, but they changed so much of the original series that it didn't hold my interest--plus I hated the shaky, unsteady, all moving around camera technique it employed.

    I understand what they were trying to do with it, but I thought Babylon 5 was much more superior at that angle. I might try to revisit it someday, but it's on the back burner for now. I did enjoy the BSG: Blood and Chrome sequel, however.

    Tried watching Helix again last night, still pretty cold on it, but started watching Hannibal instead. It deals with the mythos of the Silence of the Lambs. Pretty good, but a bit dark (I guess as it should be), and a tad slow in parts, but it guest starred Gillian Anderson and Laurence Fishburne.

  2. Hello El Vox. Always enjoy your input.

    BSG was definitely polarizing. Moore has that effect.

    I guess I would count myself more in the camp that gave it thumbs up despite being rather nihilistic at times. It was not a very hopeful series.

    I actually did enjoy the camera techniques alright. That didn't take away for me, but too much of it like Cloverfield and I definitely can check out.

    So I definitely enjoyed BSG particularly the first two seasons and a good portion of three and some of four. It definitely lost me a little bit and I was disappointed with the direction it went.

    Funny how you liked Blood And Chrome. I just purchased that on Blu-Ray not too long ago. I need to watch it. I'll be interested to see why you might have preferred that.

    I can see why you might be cold on Helix. Last night's episode was good, not great. They had some interesting technique moments that I liked. To be honest, I've missed like the last three in a row because I keep forgetting it is on so I was a little lost, but I wanted to see it and I'm still intrigued and hope it sticks around for awhile.

    I'm also looking forward to giving Defiance another chance since I gave up on Stargate Universe and now love the hell out of that series.

    Hannibal is on my watch list. Hope to see it soon. Do you like the lead's performance? He's an interesting actor. Plus I knew Gillian Anderson was in it and the cast in general looks good. It's on my list.

    The Bates Motel is another one I'm curious about and American Horror Story.

    Cheers El Vox.
