Monday, March 3, 2014

Robert Carlyle: On Stargate Universe

"This is a character-driven piece, ... excellent drama. ... Fire, ... was originally supposed to be a single story, but it overran. Brad and Robert ... decided to turn it into a two-parter. That's a brave thing.... You can take your time and tell the story the way it should be told."
-Robert Carlyle, Stargate: The Official Magazine #29, 2009, p.16-

This speaks directly to the level of intentionally well-crafted and well-designed material that was painstakingly nurtured and structured for the first season of Stargate Universe. Fire eventually materialized under two different titles. That episode became known as the excellent Episode 4, Darkness and Episode 5, Light following the three-part Pilot opener Air.

"It was like walking onto a James Bond set. It's that big, it's that good, it's that spectacular; that's the best compliment I can pay it. This show has wonderful craftsmen.... They spent a tremendous amount of money.... This is the real deal and a big, big project. ... I feel as if I've been given something of a reward after 25 years in the business because this is just a terrific experience. I'm almost frightened of waking up one morning and someone taking it all away."

It was a wonderful experience for two years, because, of course, sadly, that morning came in 2011 when it all came crashing to an end.

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