Monday, December 23, 2013


Here's hoping yule have a Merry Christmas all ye sci-fi faithful and faithful alike.


  1. Love the pics and the wide variety of them. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Yule as well. :)

  2. Likewise Roman. Pulled out the old paint program for the Christmas holiday. You'll have to guess which ones but it's pretty easy. I probably did half of them. Hope your have a nice Xmas

  3. Yah, Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year. Me and some friends actually had a SF tree one year by combining our SF oriented ornaments. :)

  4. Thank you L13. Wishing you the best.

    El Vox. I dream of a tree like that one. How cool. All the best to you this Christmas and good tidings in the new year my friend.
