Sunday, July 21, 2013

Maisie: Another Dog's Tail

While we're on the subject of Hachi, I thought it only fitting to make mention of my own faithful Scottish Terrier.  This is my own loyal Hachi.  Her name is Maisie.  I wrote about her long ago here (gosh she's getting up there now - well into her thirties I imagine), and here surviving the blizzard with us, but I thought she deserved a special tribute herself since we were on the subject of dogs with my coverage of Hachi: A Dog's Tale.  I snapped these two shots yesterday.

I've come up with a new label too, simply titled Dogs, for any dog-related entries that crop up in the years to come.  I'd like to cover My Life As A Dog (1985) and the '70s sci-fi flick A Boy And His Dog (1975) along with any Maisie-meister updates.

For now, this is my loyal compadre Maisie probably in need of a bath.  Update: she has been bathed!  Clean as a whistle!


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