Monday, March 28, 2022

Falling Skies S1 E10: Eight Hours

"I want you to think about where we are. Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought not too far from here. Small force of colonists against the entire might of the British Empire. Nobody gave them much of a chance either. Patrick Henry called it. 'The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active and the brave.' A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force but drive it back because they're fighting for what rightfully belongs to them. This is our home, our world. So remember that if they come."

Close encounters of the third and not so friendly kind aside, Falling Skies, Season One, Episode 10, Eight Hours is a bit awkward in execution and maybe doesn't quite deliver the expectations of an epic season finale, but on a limited budget, in relative terms, it still has its moments and closes the deal on what was a fine season of science fiction TV. 

Eight Hours also propels the story forward for Season Two with the departure of Tom Mason taking the previously abducted Karen's hand and boarding the alien ship with one of those tall, lanky salamander type aliens. Again, not a perfect finale by any stretch considering the build that preceded it, but still a solid little closing to an impressive first season.

The soldiers move closer to Boston further underscoring the series unique setting and the guerilla-like fight against the aliens.

One of the better sci-fi components of the entry involves the previously-harnessed Rick running into the woods. He finds a harnessed girl who is much deeper into Skitter transformation. Her skin is discolored and her face is changing. The girl from Sanctuary (Part One) (S1, E6) represents the sci-fi concepts of physical transformation or body horror. These elements have been explored in Doctor Who (The Ark In Space) (1975) to cinema with films like Pandorum (2009) or District 9 (2009).

Falling Skies delves nicely into the idea of being between worlds through these transformations. With his harness now removed Rick is rejected by the Skitters, but he is also shunned as other by humankind. He is in effect in limbo and lost. The Ben character too is in a similar place with some of humanity rejecting his alien changes. He writhes in pain after being affected by a frequency. Rick and Ben are something beyond human. These aspects of the series present ambiguity and grey areas that add to its thoughtful science fiction elements.

Eight hours is the time until night falls and the charges must be deployed on the alien hive ship.

To inspire the troops Tom transforms into full-on professor mode noting the battles of Concorde and Lexington against the might of the British Empire. Tom quotes founding father Patrick Henry ("give me liberty or give me death") who noted the potential might of a few. "The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active and the brave.  A small disciplined militia cannot only hold out against a larger force, but drive it back, because they're fighting for what rightfully belongs to them. This is our home - our world. So remember that if they come." These words echo the fight of any free nation battling an aggressor on a respective homeland. Ukraine's fight against the Russians in 2022 is a perfect modern example. There are many examples. The Vietnamese worked to repel Americans from Vietnam, while Americans repelled the British during the American Revolutionary War (roughly 1775-1783).

Weaver orders Hal to return to the school base and notify the others that the 4th and 5th are gone.  In effect, Hal Mason is Paul Revere warning the civilian militias through the streets of Massachusetts that the aliens are coming, the aliens are coming. My now fully grown Boy Wonder noted that excellent point.

The human fighting force employs bullets crafted from downed mecha to aid in the fight. Samples of the proto-molecule were eventually used in the hull of the Rocinante in The Expanse (2015-2022). The use of alien tech and alien ware has forever been an aspect of science fiction invention.

The season finale delivers its mightiest special effects since Live And Learn (E1) and it's understandable the costs involved in a production of this size with genuine external location shooting.  A ground's eye view of the alien structure is truly imposing and looks remarkable.

The final scenes echo a kind of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977) on a smaller, more intimate less grand Spielbergian scale or better The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951). We learn about the impact of the harness on children even after removal. The kids are still influenced as a biological change has already occurred in them. Eight Hours delivers a thrilling, stellar sci-fi cliffhanger that rounds out a solid ten episode first season.

I can only note that Season Two furthers the story and delivers another solid ten episodes for the Falling Skies series. When it comes to science fiction escape this TNT series is impressive and consistent in its quality. The channel's recent Snowpiercer (2020-present) effort is delivering those same engaging, storytelling qualities having been passed the baton. But if you haven't seen Falling Skies it is a consistently strong science fiction yarn that holds up to repeat viewing. And unlike those laborious eight hour work shifts this particular Eight Hours flies.

Writer: Mark Verheiden. Director: Greg Beeman.

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