Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Star Trek: Merry Christmas

If time permitted I would love to have delivered something original here a la my work up of Lost In Space a few years back here and here, but with The Menagerie taking up the better portion of my spare time, and of course that thing we love called - family, I deliver a great comic snapshot compliments of The Republique.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and the very best wishes to you all at this holiday time from Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic.


  1. Merry Christmas, Sci-Fi Fanatic!

    Kirk is a red shirt! Is that some sort of alien man-eating Christmas tree?

  2. Right doc. Total alternate universe stuff. Maybe it's a Christmas tree from lost in space's The Great Vegetable Rebellion. Anyway, Kirk is a goner. All the best to you. Merry christmas! SFF

  3. The Merriest of Christmases to you and yours, SFF :-)

  4. Cheers L13. Back at you and thank you.
