Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Halloween is cancelled!  Well, it might be postponed. Here we go again.  Once a decade is fine, but two years in a row. Good grief.

First Irene [2011] and now Sandy [2012].  I can only hope Hurricane Sandy isn't quite as filthy as Olivia Newton-John's Sandy was to our young minds in Grease [1978].  She got us worked up hot and bothered pretty good. Please Sandy baby go easy on us.

Can you believe these guys were supposed to be in high school? 

We never had girls like this in high school.  Okay, maybe there were a few.  Still, I loved Olivia Newton-John even if she was 30 years old when she made that film. Boy, now that is rocking it like a hurricane.  Good luck everyone!


  1. I hope you and yours, and everyone in her path, will keep your heads down and safe. Take care my friend.

  2. Thank you Michael. Alive and well!
