Friday, June 8, 2012

Not Your Daddy's Prometheus

What do the 2012 summer film's The Avengers and Prometheus have in commmon? Answer: The Hulk.

Apart from The Hulk being an integral component of the Avengers Assemble, The Incredible Hulk TV series also sports a classic science fiction installment of the same name.

Unfortunately we are a long way from The Incredible Hulk, Season Four, two-part premiere, Prometheus [noted as one of the series' best in SciFiNow's Best And Worst]. But one day we will be there.

Until then, it's likely Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic takes in Ridley Scott's Prometheus much sooner. More than any film this summer Scott's Prometheus is the one I've most anticipated. Will I be disappointed or will it meet expectations? I fear the bar is too high, but I plan to discover for myself this weekend.


  1. I was antcipating The Avengers the most, but Prometeus was definately the second most "must see" Summer film on my list. I'm going to see it tomorrow afternoon and will be posting on it Sunday or Monday, depending how verbose I get with my imppresions of it. I too am expecting great things and am hoping I'm not dissapointed.

    Looking forward to reading your post on Prometheus to see how our impressions concure or differ.

  2. Likewise, I enjoy reading all of the takes on Prometheus though I probably shouldn't be reading them. Looking forward to the Guardians assessment.

    I would have to put The Dark Knight Rises behind Prometheus as my second most anticipated. The Avengers will be good I'm sure but I was never over the moon about it. Get it ... moon. Cheers.
