Monday, April 9, 2012

Sucker Punch: A Sextet Promo

The absolute babefest that is Sucker Punch is coming.


  1. Have you watched Sucker Punch of blu-ray yet, Sci-Fi Fanatic?
    If you have, then you know that it is anything but “an absolute babefest.”

    Maybe you fast-forwarded past all the dread-inducing Asylum and Nightclub sequences and just watched the fight-scene fantasy sequences? It would have been a much shorter (and more enjoyable) film that way for sure.

  2. I should take a gander at this, finally. My son keeps reminding that I yet to do so. Thanks, SFF.

  3. Hi SFF:

    I watched this last night, oddly enough...

  4. I enjoyed your review on the film Doc, but we may hvae had different experiences watching the film.

    It is indeed babelicious!

    More to come L13!

    JKM- that is cosmic funny!
