Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


  1. Merry Christmas, Sci-Fi Fanatic!

    I hope Santa gives you that shiny new Farscape: The Complete Series on blu-ray that you asked for!

  2. Ha. Very nice Doc. You noticed it was on my list. Well, I confess, I did not get it.

    But, that's okay. I had read so many negatives regarding the Blu-Ray up-convert of the series that I kind of didn't ask for it.

    I guess I will stick with my regular DVD set for now.

    Oh, but something that might interest you from our world of science fiction and comic book collectibles, my daughter purchased me THE AVENGERS OFFICIAL INDEX Book. How sweet of her. She saw me reading through it one day at the local book store and went back to get it. It's a great little book and I will have to get all of the best of the best George Perez Avengers books lined up.

    I hope you had a super Christmas too my friend. If you're like me, you're easy. Take care.
