Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The X-Files: Agent Doggett's First Day

Hello all. I've been terribly distracted of late. Apart from Hurricane Irene clean-up, I've been knee deep in a project. I've also been reading Starlog Magazines extensively since the storm [as you can see]. I'm also terribly addicted to films and TV like The Godfather, The Sopranos and Stargate Atlantis.

But speaking of Agent John Doggett of The X-Files, and thus actor Robert Patrick, for those interested I did spend a little time updating my Fire In The Sky review after bumping into some interesting bits from Starlog. Yes, the truth is out there.


  1. Hi SFF:

    This is great!

    Seriously, could you imagine Doggett's first day in that basement office? I'm sure he was thinking "what the heck have I gotten myself into here..."

    A great character in a great show.


  2. I can imagine Doggett in action down there. : ) Too good.
