Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Doctor Who: Jedi Or Jawa?

Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Smith disguised as Jedi... or Jawa?


  1. Hi SFF:

    I'm definitely thinking more Jedi than Jawa. Terrific photo and title for a post!


  2. : ) Yes, that's a completely fair assessment. Thanks John.

  3. That's a great pic. I don't recognize the episode, and it took me a minute to see it was the Third Doctor and Sarah.

    John's right, the photo and title are both right on terrific!

    Gotta go with Jedi, too. In fact, this is a perfect combination: The wise Third Doctor and his young apprentice Jedi Sarah Jane. Love it!

    Also, the building behind them reminds me of a shot from the big screen version of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where Alan Rickman did the voice of Marvin, the Paranoid Robot. It was on a planet that Our Heroes landed on, and they went inside this castle/fortress/warehouse/whatever.


    Gordon Long
