Friday, April 1, 2011


"I’ve had a passionate vision for Totoro in my head for years, and now I have the greatest studio in the world helping me make it a reality. I couldn’t be happier with Pixar teaming up with Disney. This one is going to be special!" -Hayao Miyazaki-

It's not surprising Disney and Pixar would turn to Hayao Miyazaki for inspiration. Pixar Chief executive officer and Director John Lasseter has been an unabashed fan of Miyazaki and has brought many of his films overseas to America from Japan. The original, animated My Neighbor Totoro will always be the classic. It will be interesting to see what this film loses or gains in the process of coming to America as a Pixar film. The image of Totoro himself speaks volumes. I remain open to this interpretation. Pixar has delivered some gems, but I do enjoy the aspects of Miyazaki's films that are inherently Japanese. It will no doubt be interesting. And yes, this is an April Fool's joke. APRIL FOOLS! I've been had too! : ) You have to admit- it's a good one. Honestly the day wouldn't be complete without getting one over on us. And Miyazaki's classic is safe. Ah, sweet dreams.


  1. What a combination of talents! I'm looking forward to whatever sprouts out of this. Thanks, SFF.

  2. I hear you. I will list my five favorite Pixar films. No particular order.

    1. A Bug's Life
    2. Wall*E
    3. Finding Nemo
    4. The Incredibles
    5. Up

    Could Totoro take a spot? : )
