Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lost In Christmas

"Baby it's cold outside... baby it's bad out there."
"God bless us, every one!"
"I must stop Christmas from coming... but how?"
"Happy Birthday."
Thanks so much for taking time to make Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic one of your stops year round. May you all get a little something nice for Christmas and enjoy your families in whatever form they may be. The Robinsons are the perfect choice to visit for Christmas. Perhaps the fact Lost In Space was a family drama makes it a natural choice to doctor photos. Afterall, there's something very comforting and right at home about The Robinsons in that It's A Wonderful Life [1946] kind of way. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  1. Thank you very much. Same to you, my good friend.

  2. Health and happiness to you and your family my friend. Right back at you.

  3. Awesome CGI! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

  4. Spacerguy! Awesome - thank you!

    Havremunken! Ha! You like that CGI!? Some of the best right brother? All is right with the world when I hear from Havremunken, one of the originals! Thank you.

    All the best to you both in the new year!

  5. Happy holiday, my friend! Hope you had a good one and took it easy.

  6. Thanks so much JD. Yes, the relaxation continues... it is good.
    I hope you have a great 2011 my friend.

  7. Happy Holidays! Can't wait to see what you bring us in 2011, my friend...


  8. Likewise my friend. Always look forward to JKM's Reflections! Thank you.
