Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogger Argh! [part 2]: Blogger Blogging About Blog Of Note

While we're on the subject of Blogger falling down on the job from a technical perspective, it's also notable that the daily Blog Of Note has also ceased functioning.

Friends, I bust my hump to put out a decent entry every few days. If I manage to post consecutively day after day, for like three days in a row, that is something of a small miracle. Time is a precious commodity to all of us.
The chance to become a winner of Blog Of Note appears to be no longer an option. It has now slipped from my grasp! There are still some really terrific blogs out there on a host of subjects too.
What really shocked me from time to time was the Blog Of Note winner. Some of them I'm thrilled to see win, because they deserve it. Other winners peaked my curiosity for at least for one glance. That's the point of Blog Of Note, to introduce folks of common interest to your material or broaden your horizons I suppose, but otherwise you're moving on.

Still other winners slayed me, absolutely slayed me. Some of the winners seem to have started their blog mere weeks ago. WHAT!? Seriously, what the heck is that? People are knocking themselves out day in and day out, year after year, and have been doing it far longer than even little old me and Blogger goes and hands the Blog Of Note to someone who started their blog literally three weeks ago. ARGH! Joe Blow comes along with his month old blog about French fashion or ladybugs and he's lighting it up.
How about a blog getting crowned with just 47 entries? Holy sweet peas! WOW! Let's do one better. How 'bout a little blog of poetry with, wait for it.... 22 bloody postings. Say What!? 22 poems!? What happened to Rome wasn't built in a day? Good grief. Thankfully this is fun and if people like the subject they will seek you out in the end.
I'm having a bit of fun about all of this mind you. I'm actually happy for people who get the Blog Of Note [bastards!] and don't really care either way. I am surprised how hard some people work on their blogs only to be overlooked by a blog with 22 posts. I mean, do the folks behind Blog Of Note pull them from a hat? Are they morale killers!?
But really, to quote Catherine Tate, "I'm not bovvered." Perhaps those Blog Of Note winners should head straight out and play the lottery. I've never been much of a gambler mind you. I'm not good at rolling the dice. If I need a six, I'm getting a two. If I need the two, I'll get six. That's just me. That's my luck. Nothing comes easy, but ya know what? I'm okay with that. Life isn't fair, life can even suck and it doesn't make sense most of the time, but it just doesn't matter. Hell, you take that pain and you gobble it up and you just gotta love every minute of it because we only go this way once.
Meanwhile, I'll be happily plugging away, with my little-blog-that-could, along with the thousands of other bloggers trying to reach an audience out there. And the question remains, even if I did achieve the now defunct, esteemed honor of Blog Of Note, would I be a notable blog? Am I blog of noteworthy material? I imagine the point of being notable is in the eye of the beholder really. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure as they say. In the end, Blogger has let me down by terminating their Blog Of Note program and leaving me with yet another dream unfulfilled. That's okay, I'm still rockin' it in the free world.
Musings Of A Sci-Fi Fanatic Blog of Note Award Photo
"It's a major award" -A Christmas Story-


  1. Congrats on your very real-looking award. :P

  2. I knew you'd like. Even a bit envious huh? [Thanks to my daughter for the gymnastics loaner].

  3. Envious? Me? To quote the mexican cleaning lady from Family Guy, "Mmmhhhmmm...noooooooh". ;)

    I am also on Blogger, but it's all in norwegian, so I don't expect any awards any time soon. As Andy Richter once said on the ol' Conan show - "I'm norwegian and german - meaning I'm sad and angry". I don't think he really is, but it is a good point nonetheless, and they don't give out awards for that. :)
