Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Farscape: The Complete Series

I went into Best Buy today and picked up Farscape: The Complete Series. In a rare turn, Best Buy bested Amazon's price on the Farscape DVD box set. Amazon lists the item at 104.99. Best Buy is selling it for 129.99. It is on sale for 99.99. But here is the kicker. It was on sale on the Best Buy website for 69.99. I went in and had to force the price match option with a young lady who appeared to doubt my facts. After hanging me up for 4-5 minutes, while she checked the site and confirmed she could do it and discovered I wasn't hosing her I walked out of there with the complete series for 70 dollars. It's almost a steal!

I killed myself about three years ago collecting up the Starburst Editions of Farscape, which came in several different volumes a few of which were out of print. All of the Starburst releases are now discontinued. I got lucky on those. For awhile those were in demand and a fair bit of pain to find. To be exact, there were twelve volumes. The mini-series was an additional buy on top of it all.
Finally, they have released the entire series in one complete box. It's worth it folks. At least I hope it's worth it. I haven't watched the series yet, but I will someday soon I hope. I figured I would get the box set in the event it had some cool extras on it that couldn't be found on those Starburst Editions. I think there may be one or two things. One additional cool factor is the Best Buy edition also features a Best Buy Exclusive by including The Peacekeeper Wars Mini-Series as well. So you get the complete four season series and the mini-series finale in one tight cardboard box. Now that is one heck of a cardboard BOX baby! There's even a good bit of environmental sensitivity going on here.

Of course we'll have to do this all over again when a Blu-Ray release happens. Bastards! Still, I don't expect that to happen anytime soon, unless they get thirsty for more greenbacks.


  1. Cool, muppet time! :P

    I liked this show way back, but kind of fell out of it when I learned that it was cancelled. I should probably go back and rewatch, I just have to catch up on Dexter, Generation Kill, Battlestar Galactica, Dollhouse, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, Robot Chicken and a few more first. :)

  2. Besides B5,Farscape is one of my all time favorite series !!!!!.

  3. Two rousing votes of confidence in Farscape. Good to know.

    Dexter is one I want to check out too. I also hear The Shield is really excellent. Mind you, I like the cop/ law dramas but I leave the obsessive viewing of that material to The One To Be Pitied as she loves the programs.

    Still, The Shield and Dexter are two I want to watch. I'm right there with you H! I have a lot of catching up to do myself.

    I do recommend BG, the first two seasons are terrific and though it starts to slide in three and four exponentially it's still good. I did have to trudge through Season Four a bit and I did not have the same vigor and enthusiasm for watching it at that point because of some of the direction it went in.

    Not a huge Simpsons fan although it is funny. I've heard of Generation Kill. Is it good? Dollhouse, not so sure.

  4. Generation Kill is Great,have not seen DollHouse,love Family Guy and Robot Chicken.Don't luagh but I have been watching a series called Ghost Whisperer with Jeniffer Love Hewitt,that I think is Great !!! :)

  5. Guilty pleasures are just fine here. I like JLH and I've never seen The Ghost Whisperer, but everyone here knows my love and affection for one of her earlier series, Party Of Five. I'm a huge fan of that show and I've taken my share of ribbing from time to time.

    I'll put Generation Kill in the queue.

  6. Oh yea,I remember that show,it was Good !!! :)I never watched it steady but what I did see I liked !!!,I just watched the new Star Trek and WOW it was AMAZING !!! :)

  7. Farscape is an Awesome show!!!! I never missed any episode of this show. I have watched this complete series. All episodes are superb!!! I like all episodes in which Crichton has some animated dreams. I like acting of all characters of this show. I have nice link from where you can Watch Farscape Episodes free.

  8. Thanks Cherry! I look forward to viewing it! Good to hear you are a staunch advocate for the series. I like that kind of passion.

  9. Thanks for sharing that awesome post, Farscape TV Show tops my list of favorite shows. All the Farscape seasons are worth watching. I usually Watch Farscape Episodes Online at

  10. My pleasure. I look forward to digging into Farscape down the road. Best.
