Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cowboy Bebop Session #11: Toys In The Attic

Faye and Jet are playing a bit of strip poker or some sort of strip gambling and Faye has got Jet down to his skivvies in Cowboy Bebop, Session #10, Toys In The Attic.

Make that naked!
Lesson 1: "Humans were meant to work and sweat to earn a living. Those that try to get rich quick or live at the expense of others all get divine retribution somewhere along the line. That's the lesson. Unfortunately we quickly forget the lessons we learn and then we have to learn them all over again." Boy, well said.
Lesson 2: "Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive or we are deceived. Thus we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others."
Jet gets knocked for a loop and bitten by an unknown creature loose aboard the BeBop. Jet keels over and passes out from the bite to the back of his neck which appears to be growing more and more inflamed due to its poisonous effect.
Spike begins looking for a matching virus in the database. Ed suspects it's a spooky space alien. Spike thinks it could be a mutated rat. Faye thinks they're both crazy.
Later, while bathing, Faye sees some shmeg drop from the ceiling hole and is bitten. She runs to Spike with her leg now infected.
Lesson 3: "If you see a stranger follow him."
Ein and Ed are running around seeking out the alien lifeform, while Spike is looking for them. Ein is bitten. Spike grabs Ein and runs away from the swift-moving gelatinous substance. One by one each of our fearless crew members is plucked off by the ferocious, man-eating jello mold. This is a good monster-on-the-loose space yarn a la Alien, but anime style, as it pays a bit of homage to the genre, despite the lack of a really well designed alien creature. This captures the general vibe of the installment. I love good, old-fashioned suspense. I love a good alien on the loose story, but this alien comes up a bit short for me. Then again, the Slither-like space slime doesn't kind of creep one out.

Spike goes on the hunt with all manner of weaponry [net guns, smoke bombs, flame thrower, pistols]. To get the beast Spike has a vast array of equipment at his disposal. He could rival Neo in The Matrix. Spike remembers an old refrigerator that had some food in it and it is now filled with all sorts of nasty bacterium. Spike is bit while pushing the fridge out of the airlock.
Lesson 4: "Don't leave things in the fridge." I'm glad they noted Lesson 4, because I was thinking just that and was prepared to make up my own. This actually is a great lesson. Old food can get out of hand and quite frightening very quickly. I've seen a fridge a time or two in my day, not my own, that could have required intervention by the CDC [Centers For Disease Control].
Meanwhile, Ed comes across the alien space blob and grabs it perceiving it to be pudding and eats it. There are some zany ass moments in Cowboy Bebop.
We are left with our fearless heroes floating around in zero gravity to a classical number. I was left wondering what the hell just happened. Oddly enough it kind of works. Still, I'm not sure what happened to everyone. I can only surmise everyone ate bad food and began hallucinating despite everything I had just seen. Odd this little show. I do love the application of musical genres in the series to any number of moods and sequences. It is a highlight!
Toys In The Attic: B


  1. They all died, this is the final episode chronologically of course... or you can take it that way, considering it's the only one saying 'the end'.

  2. Wow. Interesting. This is the kind of thing that I will enjoy dissecting on another viewing. Thank you. SFF
