Saturday, August 29, 2009

Loving The North

I thought I would share a few images from my recent jaunt into the wilds of New Hampshire and Vermont. It really is a special place. I can only hope it remains this pristine.

This is allegedly recorded as the second tallest tree in Vermont. We slept under it.

We love homemade styled root beer and we will stop at nothing to get it.
We love maple syrup and we will stop everywhere to get that too.

It really wouldn't be Vermont without a broken down dilapidated barn every square mile...

... or a covered bridge.

... or a headless pheasant caught by my cousins bird-hunting dogs.

People actually get married in this maple sugar chapel. It's adorable. It's Vermont. When you're finished getting married you can buy some cheese and syrup! Bonus!

Getting lost in the North.

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