Saturday, November 1, 2008

Whatever Happened To Jeff Conaway?

I came across this completely by accident. I was disturbed and saddened to see our dear actor Jeff Conway [Zack Allan on Babylon 5] in completely dire straits. How the hell did he reach this point? It seems like he went from steady success and autographing cards to detox almost overnight. Anyway, I hope things work out for him, but judging by he and fellow Celebrity Rehab [VH-1] castmate Gary Busey, who also appears to be a slight mess [understatement], the forecast isn't good.


  1. What on earth is THAT ?!?


  2. Hey Ly. I was hoping somebody out there could tell me.

    Well Celebrity Rehab on VH-1 is a terrible American show. It's one of those so-called "reality" TV shows and well, apparently, Jeff has checked in.

    I can't stand reality TV but I came across and grabbed a snippet to share with y'all.

    I was just curious how it all came to pass. Hope all is well Ly.

  3. I find it disgusting to see shows like that on TV.
    And it make me sad to think that people enjoy watching it. *sigh*

    Well, back to B5.


  4. Ly. You're certainly justified in feeling that way. The reality shows are cheap to make and people seem to flock to them. They are truly awful and they really aren't real.

    Why anyone would let themselves be filmed for a show like that is beyond me. Unfortunately I have a feeling if life is tough and the money is there people are willing to sell their souls or at least sell out their principles and it's a shame.

    But I'm with you. They are not good for humanity in general. Unfortunately they aren't going away.

    I second your emotion...back to Babylon 5 and quality science fiction.

  5. Why anyone would let themselves be filmed for a show like that is beyond me. Unfortunately I have a feeling if life is tough and the money is there people are willing to sell their souls or at least sell out their principles and it's a shame.
    No one in the part of the show that I saw in your clip seemed able to make reasonable decisions.
    Really sad...


  6. I think that is fairly reasonable to say Ly. I certainly don't know what goes on behind the scenes or how these actors/ musicians make agreements to get involved, but one would certainly deduce based on the evidence there they don't make the decision alone.

  7. Jeff has a been a mess for years and his unfortunate problems with drugs and alcohol have been pretty well documented.

    It's too bad. I think he's a horrible actor, but I wouldn't wish his problems on anybody.


  8. I remember you saying some time ago you were not a fan of his acting. I would agree he is not a great actor. Let that be clear. My endorsement of him is the fact that he really does a good job in this role. He's far better than I expected him to be for the part, but I do think he's fairly limited. So I was pleasantly surprised I have liked him on Babylon 5 as much as I have. I hope he and his wife pull it together. What a disaster.

  9. Last I heard, though that was a while ago, he was off drugs and on Thetan Auditing. So while the Church of Scientology might be better for his long-term health, it's probably about the same on his wallet.

    Anyway, hoping it at least helps him stay sober.
