Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Top 50 Science Fiction Shows

This is a shot of the ceiling at The Star Trek Experience, Las Vegas closing in September.

This is a great list and here is the link to Boston.Com.
Top 50 Science fiction shows are as follows [the episode shighlighted ar emy favorites]:
50. Earth: Final Conflict
49. The Wild Wild West
48. 3rd Rock From The Sun
47. Buck Rogers In The 25th Century.
46. That Was Then
45. The Greatest American Hero
44. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman
43. Nowhere Man
42. Science Fiction Theatre
41. Futurama
40. The Thunderbirds
39. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
38. Batman
37. Space 1999
36. The Bionic Woman
35. Battlestar Galactica
34. The Avengers
33. Lost In Space
32. My Favorite Martian
31. Alien Nation
30. Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
29. The Six Million Dollar Man
28. Adventures Of Superman
27. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
26. Stargate Atlantis
25. The Jetsons
24. Wonder Woman
23. Tales From The Crypt
22. Andromeda
21. Quantum Leap
20. The Hitchhiker
19. Dark Angel
18. V
17. Firefly
16. Flash Gordon
15. Logan's Run
14. Star Trek: Voyager
13. The Outer Limits
12. Xena: Warrior Princess
11. Lost [no way.]
10. Sliders
9. Mystery Science Theatre 3000
8. Dr. Who
7. The Twilight Zone
6. Stargate SG-1
5. Babylon 5
4. The X-Files
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation
2. Star Trek: The Original Series
1. Battlestar Galactica [This is a serious travesty. It's not better than ST:TOS. Sorry.]

These shots were taken via a cell phone and aren't great. This is from the table at Quark's Restaurant.
I think it's notable Earth 2 and other superhero classics like The Incredible Hulk were not on this list. Earth 2 I could do without but the Hulk! I was really surprised the writers didn't find a way to include Enterprise and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I know many people who loved those shows. The quality was definitely there. Also, noticeably absent is Farscape. This is a crime. Otherwise, it's a fun list and a more accurate Top 50 Science Fiction list than most I've seen.


  1. I'm in the process of watching Farscape right now, as a Farscape virgin. I've just finished the second season. Have to say, I'm having a real hard time getting into that show. Talk about B5 being hard to get into for newbies - I think Farscape is at least as difficult. So far, my impression is I'm watching some sort of Galaxy Quest TV series. A lot of recycled plot elements and subplots from ST:TOS and even Star Wars, a lot of really clicheed characters (especially the villains) - it feels like a parody much of the time. Now I like Galaxy Quest, but 35 hours in a row ... so far maybe six or seven episodes I really liked. I hear it improves in seasons 3 and 4, and i certainly hope so; right now I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

    So you're planning to blog ST:TNG. That's nice; it was on my rewatch-list. Mind if I join and accompany you?


  2. M
    You're my first officer on the sci fi journey. You better be there for ST:TNG. Interesting, your thoughts on the Farscape series. Actually, it may be good that you lower my expectations. I figured Black and Browder would work well in their own series. I had seen them for Stargate SG-1 Season 9 & 10 but I thought Farscape would be better. Interesting you haven't taken to it. I'm a ways off in getting to that one. Sounds like I need to place it on the lower end of my priority list.

  3. Concerning Farscape, that's just my opinion, of course. There's quite a hype around that series, which is why I thought there must be something special to it. People say the special thing about Farscape is that it is very quirky and bizarre; well, I can appreciate that, it certainly is. It also challenges "suspension of disbelief" to the extreme (for instance, you're supposed to believe that people can survive in space without a space suit protecting them for several minutes). But while that's ok for me for one or two movies, it's just not enough for an entire TV series. I'm Stracynski spoiled, of course, and so far the series is just too superficial and too much slapstick comedy. If seasons 3 and 4 change my mind, I'll report back.

    I'm looking forward to your comments on ST:TNG, and I'll be on board. If you're planning on blogging ST:TOS or ST:DS9, you can count me in as well. :)


  4. M! Exactly, I've heard Farscape doesn't take itself too seriously, but not having seen it I'm not sure what that means. Keep me posted though as the show settles in on you.

    Funny you mentioned ST:TOS. I actually lied a little accidentally. I actually want to take a stroll down memory lane by rewatching TOS first then go to ST:TNG. I bought those Star Trek Remasters and I want to check them out for the blog next. Then go through the entire franchise chronologically [excluding the fact Enterprise comes before TOS, I'll still be saving that to the end]. Still, the way I'm going I'm looking @ 2009. But heck, where are we going?

  5. I think this list shows that there AREN'T 50 good science fiction shows. That is, unless you count shows that aired in parallel universes.

    JD Atlanta

  6. Ok, then let's start with TOS. I should be finished with Farscape by then. It'll be interesting how it feels to re-vistit Trek-verse after spending so much time with B5, though I think TOS will be easier to get into than TNG.


  7. Yeah, I suspect TOS will be far less taxing on the mind...but I look forward to it.
